Granny and I got to talking about it and she pretty much said that she really didn't think they would do anything. I think this is mainly her husband talking. Janet had a good point.. when someone shows up to see him more than likely they will run the other way. He will be 5 or 6 pretty soon and is also 6 pounds or so. I think he is too old and too big. I don't plan on bringing it up again and I am fairly certain that they won't either. She takes very good care of him and he is at the vets office if he sneezes the wrong way. This vet has never brought up any concerns about the loss of hair and pigment on his nose. So who knows what he has said to her about breeding him. I would LOVE for him to have his nah nah's wacked but she won't hear of it. Granny is 80 and is set in her ways so there is only but so much that I can change her mind about.

Thanks for all the help.