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Old 01-05-2009, 10:07 AM   #1
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Breeding Yorkies?

I haven't posted in a while but I know that Kat and a few other belong to another Yorkie website. I have a very very touchy situation that I have to deal with. My grandmother has a Yorkie. He is a VERY poor example of what a Yorkie should look like. He has a mean streak in him and he has absolutely NO hometraining. He will eat any and everything that he can get his hands on. He has 2 surgeries to unblock his stomach because of it. He has even started to loose hair and some pigment on his nose and rim of his eyes. Don't even get me started on his housebreaking issues. He will pee/poop and MARK anywhere is pleases! EWWWW

Well my grandmother's husband said he wanted to breed him. This is such a HUGE mistake and I can't in good conscience helps her find someone to breed him with. He is CKC registered and I use that to say that they may have a hard time finding someone to breed him with. Meaning that anyone with an AKC registered Yorkie will not want to breed due to the problems of not being able to register the puppies under AKC. THEN he insisted that they had changed that rule. I opened up my mouth and said right away that NO that rule was still in place! I called AKC to make sure and I was right.

I am just not sure how to go about this. I wanted to post it over at YT but some of the girls can get a little crazy about things. I also wanted to add that I don't think a dog has to be show quality in order to breed them but they should at least represent what a Yorkie should look like. My grandmother is VERY touchy and she think that her dog is the most gorgeous creature to every walk the earth. So telling her that he doesn't exactly have the qualities that you would want to pass on isn't even an option.

Man this is gonns be hard.. Any suggestions?
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Old 01-05-2009, 10:26 AM   #2
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I think that I would leave it alone. They're probably not going to find someone to breed him with anyway. A breeder would be looking for a dog that would pass their requirements for breeding and with with your Grandmother's dog's issues he would most likely be passed over.

I'm not a breeder but we do have Janet on here that breeds. Good luck!!
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Old 01-05-2009, 12:15 PM   #3
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I really don't think they will find someone to breed with him. Now if they had a female instead of a male...then I would be worried. Do they have someone in mind to breed him with?

I'm with Diana on this one...I would leave it be. If and when they come to you for advice, then you can tell them how you feel in a very nice way.
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Old 01-05-2009, 12:51 PM   #4
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No they really don't have anyone in mind. They wanted ME to find a female for them. I just can't and won't do it. If they did happen to find anyone they would take one look at him and they should say no thanks. SO I think the best thing would be to let it be unless they bring it up again. Thanks a bunch.
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Old 01-05-2009, 04:26 PM   #5
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If they do bring it up again, you could always post on YT with some info and the CKC registration information. We know folks will be up in arms, but at least you can honestly say that you did check with some breeders.

How old is this dog? Age could also be a negative factor.

Just some thoughts, in case. Hopefully you have heard the end of it.
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Old 01-05-2009, 09:18 PM   #6
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Wow. I feel for you. I would try to get them to neuter him. That would help with the marking issue.. maybe... but then again, maybe not. Sounds as though he has not been properly trained or watched over to protect him against his nasty habits.

With the breeding issue, I agree with you. Absolutly not! Since he is CKC, that tells me right there he came from a poor breeder. That registry means nothing. I am in no means saying that if he was AKC he would be breeding material. Breeding should never be done to just produce puppies. LIke you said, a dog should only be bred that can represent the breed well.

I also think there is a good possibility they can find somebody who feels as they do, someone who owns a female and sees dollar signs.. I see ads all the time in the paper, people who own a female looking for a male to breed her with, people with males wanting to stud them out... always makes me ill to think someone puts so little thought into breeding their dogs. This is one reason we have such a over population of dogs needing homes in our shelters today.

Have they talked to their vet about breeding him? I would suggest to them that they talk to their vet. I can't imagine a good vet telling them it would be a good idea.

Good luck to you!
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Old 01-08-2009, 06:18 PM   #7
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Granny and I got to talking about it and she pretty much said that she really didn't think they would do anything. I think this is mainly her husband talking. Janet had a good point.. when someone shows up to see him more than likely they will run the other way. He will be 5 or 6 pretty soon and is also 6 pounds or so. I think he is too old and too big. I don't plan on bringing it up again and I am fairly certain that they won't either. She takes very good care of him and he is at the vets office if he sneezes the wrong way. This vet has never brought up any concerns about the loss of hair and pigment on his nose. So who knows what he has said to her about breeding him. I would LOVE for him to have his nah nah's wacked but she won't hear of it. Granny is 80 and is set in her ways so there is only but so much that I can change her mind about. Thanks for all the help.
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Old 01-09-2009, 03:27 AM   #8
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That's what we're here for Michelle, to help when needed and give advice when asked for. Glad things are working the way you think they should.
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Old 01-09-2009, 09:24 AM   #9
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You're welcome.
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