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Old 01-08-2012, 06:40 PM   #1681
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Oh Janet, I had that kind of doorknob on my bedroom when I was little! I remember thinking that they were diamonds and we were rich, lol! I wish I had my doorknob, and I'm so glad you are keeping them. When you get ready to move in to YOUR house, you can put your diamond doorknobs back on
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Old 01-09-2012, 08:46 AM   #1682
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Sounds like you need to knock Steve in the head, Judy!!!! Welding usually isn't the most fun job but it does pay good. How childish that he couldn't last more than one day! My SIL worked at a welding job inside of railroad cars. It was hot and dirty and I felt so sorry for him but he did it for years and even went back later to work again. He worked so hard but he knew that he had a family to support. He needs to grow up!!

Gayle, I know that you'll do good getting ready for your test. I hope that it all goes well.

Betsi......if you need support with your diet just let us know or call me personally!! I've found that it works so much better when you have support!! We've been trying to get back on our diet but we're all finding it difficult to get as serious about it. I think that once we get a few weeks under our belt without any temptation we'll do better. I did gain about 4 pounds over the holidays but I'm excited to get it off and get going again!! Good luck, Betsi!!

Linda, I'm jealous of you and your quiet home!! I very seldom get that now and I miss it!! Wanna' trade places for awhile? LOL

Janet, I love the glass door knobs!! Why don't you have them mounted onto a board and turned into a coat hanger or a towel hanger? Then you can still keep them out and display them!!

You could also just hang one up to hang your purse on or use them to hang your jewelry!! So many ideas!!

Here's some ideas from Pinterest.....

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Old 01-09-2012, 10:49 AM   #1683
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Janet, my parents have those knobs in the cabin! My mom would never get rid of them either. I saw a cute idea on This Old House where they made a shelf for the bathroom with tap handles for hanging things on but I think it would be cute with doorknobs too, like what Diana was saying! Here's a link to the how-to http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/how-...317867,00.html

I have decided to start a diet too. Well, not really a diet, but just thinking about eating more healthy foods and getting more exercise. I know I told Scott to slap me if I ever said I want to lose weight for our wedding, but now I do. But not just for the wedding... I haven't been feeling so great about myself lately. I think my metabolism has slowed down a lot so I used to have no problem eating chips every night but now I do! I went shopping on the weekend and I found the cutest dress at Guess, which was on sale and then had an additional 40% off... it was a size bigger than I normally wear, and when I tried it on, I couldn't even zip it up I handed it to my cousin, who has three kids and looks fantastic, and it fit her like a glove! So that's it, I'm going to get skinny again.

I had a great weekend with my friend who came to dress shop It has been a year and a half since I've seen her!!! My cousin was great too, but she had to go home after shopping so we didn't get to spend that much time together. My friend and I went back to the city after supper and visited with Scott's friend, who is also his best man and will be paired with my friend at the wedding. They got along great, and the two of us started reminiscing and we were laughing so hard we were crying! It only took one of us to say one word to remind us of something else and we'd laugh all over again... the guys had no idea what was going on but it was fun anyway Then Scott drove us to a country bar to meet up with my old roommate for her birthday. I hate that bar to begin with and it's even worse now than I remember! I am not a big fan of country, and neither is my friend who came with me, so she immediately bought us shots and I had to buy her one back later... and a few drinks... and we only stayed for an hour but I still felt it yesterday I'm not quite as young as I used to be!

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 01-09-2012, 12:28 PM   #1684
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Jess is so angry at Steve. I really think he needs a good psychiatrist! Or a good beating on the butt with a switch, but he's too old for that. The example he is setting for the kids is horrendous, and I just have lost interest in any of his excuses. I told him that last time he turned down a job because it was too far away. I am not getting involved, as always, but I am plenty worried! Who knows how this will end up? This is a time for prayer.

I am going out with my womens' group for dinner tonight. I m back on my diet though since I gained 7 pounds since the end of August. I've lost 2 pounds already, and know that I will go back down. It's the everyday eating after the weight loss that seems to be troublesome. I have to get over to the gym and set up a time and day with a trainer. I can't just diet. I need to exercise also.

I love doorknobs Janet! Light switchplates too. I think those little finishing touches make the room so beautiful! I am so glad you have the diamond knobs!!!

Gayle, hope you are done with your test, and all is well!

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Old 01-09-2012, 04:47 PM   #1685
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Janet, we used to have those door knobs too and I put one on an antique door we put in at our old house. I loved using it everyday. I've seen the door knob accessories like everyone has suggested, but like someone said, when you move back into the house, I would put them right back on the doors.

Betsi, Judy, Diana, dieting is the story of my life and I get so tired of it. I don't care what anyone says, I will never get used to eating low fat, low calorie food. It doesn't taste as good and it never will. Sigh. About the only way I can lose weight is to cut my portions way down and eat food that is not outrageously fattening. I do pretty well counting calories. Anyway, I'm back on track and I'm hoping to lose a few pounds before summer.

Judy, I hope Steve pulls his head out of his A$$, but I fear that won't happen.

Well, I survived my colonoscopy, but just barely. The prep yesterday was just awful. This may be TMI for some so stop reading now, if you want, Lol! My butt started burning so bad about half way through through the prep. It is the stomach acid coming out that causes the burning. I finally found a site on line that said to put on vasaline and that saved my life.

So we were at the outpatient surgery site this morning at 6:30 and everything went fine.............until I woke up. OMG! the sedation medication made me so sick, I just wanted to die. They gave me Fentanyl and Versaid, which I had never taken before. I haven't had surgery since 1966, so I haven't taken many pain meds. LOL!

I didn't throw up in the center so I got to leave but I felt horrible. Then of course I threw up two times on the way home. I went straight to bed and slept for 3 hours and felt some better when I got up. Now in the early evening, I feel better. I tell you what, if I ever have this done again, I will do it differently! Everything looked great but I did have one tiny polyp which they said was pretty normal for my age. It is cold and rainy so it was a good day to stay in and sleep.
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Old 01-09-2012, 06:13 PM   #1686
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I'm glad your tests came out ok, Gayle. I haven't had that done in quite awhile, but it's just awful. I'm sorry you got so sick afterwards. That just sounds miserable! I hope you are off tomorrow. Tests like that aren't as easy to get over as they used to be

I haven't done a thing today. Slept late, folded some laundry, and listened to it rain Oh, I did go get a few groceries, too. I had to towel off my big hairy dogs every time they came back in the house. Kinda like trying to dry off a mop, lol!!
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Old 01-09-2012, 06:42 PM   #1687
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Poor Gayle!! That sounds awful!!! You'd have thought that they would have already known about the Vaseline and let you know ahead of time so you could be prepared. I'm sure that you got some much needed rest after you got home. I hope you don't have any more problems from this procedure!! Sounds like something that I'd like to skip having done!!!
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Old 01-09-2012, 09:01 PM   #1688
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I am feeling MUCH better this evening. WHEW! I must tell you my sil had this done last month (different doctor) and his prep was much easier and he didn't have any problems after the scope like I did. So, just because I had problems, doesn't mean you will. Everyone should have this done at least once after age 50. It is an easy way to detect colon cancer. I think since I had a tiny polyp, I will need one again in 5 years. I would do it again, but not the same way as this one.
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Old 01-10-2012, 03:37 AM   #1689
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I had to drink that stuff I think it was called 'GoLight' and it was just horrible. The first couple if drinks were not too bad, but the rest of the time as soon as it went down it came back up. Like you Gayle....I was so sore and that's when the hemorrhoids appeared. Not going to do that again.

Sometimes I think it just not worth aging!! When I was coughing my head off last week, I felt my neck snap. This time it goes down my left side and is 100 times worse than when I had the MRI done for the right side. I was hoping it was just a pulled muscle, but I really think it's a pinched nerve. There are times it feels like little hairs on my hand are moving, but for the most part, I'm in a lot of pain.

Calling the dr this morning and hoping to leave out the middle man and go straight to PT. I don't think I can stand this much longer, It is so painful and I can't get it comfortable.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 01-10-2012, 08:57 AM   #1690
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I have never heard of the vaseline cure either, Gayle. Good to know. I am so sorry you got sick from the anesthetic too! I bet you did lose a good 3 pounds though! (every cloud has a silver lining). As long as there is only one small polyp, and you feel better, it did work out well in the end.

Janet, what happened with your neck? Are you still coughing? It sounds like your body is still not back to normal since Mom's passing. Stress can weaken us so much! Are you eating healthy? Veggies and fruit? You might want to add these to your diet. I hope you feel better very soon!

Gayle, I don't think Steve even knows his head is up his *ss, so getting it out would have to be if he tripped and it just popped out!

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Old 01-10-2012, 10:03 AM   #1691
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Judy, I still eat junk. Like this morning in had toast w/pnt btr and coffee. Lunch was tomato soup. Yesterday was cereal and pizza. I do need to eat much better foods.

I was in a bad coughing spell Judy, and felt something in my neck. It started hurting and I thought it was a pulled muscle, so I used a heating pad and it hurt using it so I used ice and that seemed to help some. It has just gotten worse and very hard to tolerate, especially bouncing on the bus.

I did call the dr today, took a lortab and now waiting on the dr to call me back. Seems there is always something.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 01-10-2012, 05:09 PM   #1692
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Not a boast by any means, but I'm one of the lucky ones that gets the colonoscopy every three years because of diverticulosis and polyps. I've only had a couple of problems. Once they only twilighted me because of insurance coverage and I woke up too soon. I told the doc it felt like a hard labor pain. Then, the last time I got too dehydrated and it had problems finding a vein. I'm due again, but don't have anyone to drive me home after.

I've had SIL issues in the past, and am not jealous to walk in your shoes. Does Steve have side jobs to support them?
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Old 01-10-2012, 07:26 PM   #1693
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Originally Posted by judy View Post
I have never heard of the vaseline cure either, Gayle. Good to know. I am so sorry you got sick from the anesthetic too! I bet you did lose a good 3 pounds though! (every cloud has a silver lining). As long as there is only one small polyp, and you feel better, it did work out well in the end.
LOL Judy! It DOES have a silver lining! I still don't have much of an appetite! So maybe this will help me get my diet back on track!!!

GOOD NEWS! The path report came back and the polyp was completely normal so I don't have to have another scope for TEN YEARS!!! I'm so excited!!!

Janet, I am so sorry that you are having neck pain again. I know that is so miserable. Gary is having neck pain again also. He is going to the doctor Thursday and will ask for another epidural pain injection in his neck. His last one was back in March so I'm sure they will give him another one (you can have 3 per year) and since that one lasted 9 months, I'm hopeful this one will too. Maybe you could ask your doctor about that type of injection.

I feel much better today but I was still "fuzzy headed" until about 3:00PM today. I do feel almost normal now. Sandy, I can't imagine having a scope every three years. If you don't find any one to drive you home, I'll come to Houston and drive you. Just let me know.
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Old 01-11-2012, 10:43 AM   #1694
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Gayle, I'm glad that you're feeling better. I would have it done if my doctor recommended it......I just wouldn't look forward to it!!!

Janet, that's awful that your neck is hurting again.....and worse than before. Call the doctor's office and let them know that you're having bad pains and need to get in quickly!!!

Dean is into EVERYTHING!! Yesterday he climbed up his highchair and tried to pour himself some coffee. The coffee pot had turned off but was still hot so his hands got burned a little......not enough that you could tell it....Thank goodness!!!

He got a little riding motorcycle for Christmas and a tool box with tools and he turns his motorcycle over and "works" on it. Right now he has the measuring tape out and is pretending to measure things. He amazes me at what he understands.....he won't be two until March!! And he's talking soooo much!!!

Karley and Kiley had a basketball game last night in town so Glen and I went to watch. They played a really hard team so it wasn't the best to watch but Karley amazed me at her efforts on the court. She really got in their face!!! My nice quiet Karley!!! Even Tammy commented on how aggressive she plays!! I really enjoyed watching but I really need to figure out what it all is about!!!!
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Old 01-11-2012, 05:23 PM   #1695
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Originally Posted by DianaB View Post
Karley and Kiley had a basketball game last night in town so Glen and I went to watch. They played a really hard team so it wasn't the best to watch but Karley amazed me at her efforts on the court. She really got in their face!!! My nice quiet Karley!!! Even Tammy commented on how aggressive she plays!! I really enjoyed watching but I really need to figure out what it all is about!!!!
Wish I were there Diana, I would love to explain it all to you. Basketball is my GAME!!! I LOVE IT!
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