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Old 01-16-2012, 08:36 PM   #1711
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Gosh Linda, you got some really great deals!!! I can't wait to see some pix of the wedding.

Janet, I sure hope the stronger muscle relaxants and prednisone help. I know you must be miserable.

My school was closed today too, so Gary and I drove up to a lake about 50 miles north, where he will be taking our trailer with his aunt and uncle and fishing for a couple of weeks in March. We found some really nice camp sites and reserved them. Yesterday we drove to a lake even closer (about 25 miles) and picked out camping spots for another couple of weeks.

Usually Gary and his aunt and uncle fish for a month about 160 miles south of Austin and I have to drive down every weekend to check on Gary, organize his medications and change out his insulin pump. Now, he will be so close I can go out anytime I want. I am so thankful they will be closer. I hope they catch some fish though. The lakes are down so much this year, I'm unsure if the fishing will be any good or not.

My school starts back tomorrow so I will be much busier now for the next few months. I'm looking forward to it though, I love starting a new class. I'm teaching health policy this spring and I have 21 students in my class. I've taught this class before so it is much easier when it is not the first time teaching a class.

We are having such a weird winter. It was 77 degrees today. Tomorrow a cool front is coming and it will only be 60 on Wed. Then on Thursday the forecast is back in the 70's. I would like to have a bit more cold weather. We've hardly had any days below 60. I know those of you up north would love that, but I would like to be cold for just a little while before is gets dastardly hot again this summer.
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Old 01-17-2012, 06:05 PM   #1712
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Gary is not feeling well at all today. His neck is killing him and they haven't called to schedule his pain injection. They have to get clearance from his cardiac doc to stop his blood thinners for 3 days so that they can do the injection. They must be having trouble getting hold of her.

He could barely turn his head back and forth this morning. He was in so much pain. When I left him, he was in the recliner with a heating pad and a pain pill. He was also having trouble breathing, so I gave him a breathing treatment and set up his oxygen. I think he was just hurting so bad that he was not breathing well because his blood oxygen level was OK, but he felt like he couldn't get enough air.

He was a little better this evening, but I don't think he's been out of the chair all day. He certainly has not moved since I've been home. I feel so sorry for him (and you too Janet), I know he is miserable.
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Old 01-17-2012, 06:21 PM   #1713
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The weather here has been so INDIANA...lol. This morning when I woke up it was 59 degrees. During the night we had storm warning, thunder and lightning. On my way to pick up the kids in the afternoon, it was in the 30's, snowing, misting and sleet. Tonight getting into the teens and the wind is blowing so hard. I know I sound like a broken record......but, I want spring!!!

Gayle I feel so bad for Gary. I usually have a pretty high pain tolerance, but this has been horrible. Last night before bed I took the muscle relaxant.I slept pretty good but I didn't want to start the prednisone until this morning. After just two doses, could feel a difference....still hurting, but not bad where I would get sick in my stomach. If the meds keep working at this rate I'm hoping to be pain free by the time the meds are gone. I still have the tingling, but maybe it will go away too.

This evening I fixed a meatloaf. I love meatloaf..lol. I didn't fix a big meal, but did add some peas and some yellow hominy. Very nice meal. I used 2 lbs of hamburger and between the three of us....well, we can probably make a couple sandwiches and that will be it.

I sure hope Gary can get in for his injection soon, it's just not right to make some one wait so long.
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Old 01-17-2012, 06:27 PM   #1714
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Wonderful news Janet! Maybe it will reduce the inflammation SOON and you will be pain free!!! Oh, and if you haven't taken much Prednisone, be aware that it can cause insomnia. When Gary takes it for his asthma, it is not unusual for him to stay awake all night watching movies. Of course, he doesn't have to go to work the next day. :roll eyes: So, just in case this happens to you, you will understand that it is the Prednisone.
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Old 01-17-2012, 06:33 PM   #1715
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Thanks for letting me know Gayle. I don't remember the dr telling me that. You watch...not only will the prednisone keep me awake, but I'll be thinking about it too and that won't help either....
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 01-17-2012, 06:39 PM   #1716
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It doesn't keep everyone awake, so hopefully, it won't affect you that way, but just in case it does, I think it helps to know.
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Old 01-17-2012, 07:13 PM   #1717
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We're a sad lot ... Bad necks and shoulders and busy grand babies and lazy son-in-laws and crazy bosses. Life is so great. My boohoo today is this nagging dry cough. One of my admins convinced me to go get it checked. Im worried because I haven't had my lungs checked since i was cleared after the lung surgery. I needed to find a new doc closer to where I live, so I'm trying a nurse practitioner on Thursday.

Its time for my yearly overall physical ... Colonoscopy, mammogram, etc. Then, I'll start with the dental work. I went for new glasses last week.

My laptop is so bad, I can't get it to load and run turbo tax. I'm trying to decide if. I can get by with a netbook. Any suggestions?

My boss is only getting needier, but I'm trudging rough.

My ex, who gave me a really hard time for being on facebook too much, invited me to be his Facebook friend. He's certifiable.

Love you all.
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Old 01-17-2012, 07:50 PM   #1718
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OH SANDY!! OK first things first, why did you have lung surgery? Yes, you need to get that dry cough checked. It's probably just residual from your Christmas crud, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

So sorry about the zany boss - it would be so yucky to go to work everyday to that environment.

I am so sorry you have to have a colonscopy - mine set me back about 4 days last week. DON'T WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN! Things in my lower track are still not quite back to normal and it was EIGHT DAYS AGO!

Your ex is a piece of work - aren't you glad he's your EX!
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Old 01-18-2012, 08:42 AM   #1719
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Linda, it sounds like you had a good day!! What great buys you got on your dress and your daughter's dress!! I can't wait for pictures!!

Janet, I hope the meds give you some relief. It sounds like you hurt so badly.

We're not having the wild weather that you're having. Our temps have been pretty mild.....except we did turn a little colder yesterday but we haven't any precipatation besides a little bit of snow. We're hoping that we don't have a dry winter.

Gayle, Poor Gary. I hope he feels better soon. I know that you'll take good care of him though!!

Sandy, Sorry about your crazy boss!! You definitely need to be checking into your lung situation.

I've been cleaning my greenhouse and trying to figure out exactly what I'm going to do with it. I really don't know anything about them so I have some cheap books ordered from Amazon about greenhouses. I really wanted to have it to keep houseplants in and winter them over but with this greenhouse being covered in glass that's not going to be too practical unless I find a good way to insulate it.

Dae Lynn finally got into it with Damon's lawyer's secretary!!! She's been trying to get a release date from his lawyer ever since his last court date in December with no luck. She called yesterday and the secretary gave her all kinds of excuses and a couple of times Dae Lynn called her a liar.....well, not exactly in that term but the same as. The woman finally told her to never call back but that she would call HER when she had news. Dae Lynn ended up calling a woman who worked at the jail who gave her the information that she needed. Damon's lawyer has been a real jerk to them, not seeing Damon and not giving them information. The secretary even went so far as to tell Dae Lynn that their case wasn't important.......and Dae Lynn let her know that it WAS important to them!!! I'm so proud of her for standing up to this woman and staying calm in spite of being so angry!! She is certainly her father's daughter in that regard!!!

So Damon's release date is March 8th. It's going to be tough having him out.

We have a new young man at church and we took him out to eat on Sunday. He's had an alcohol problem and has been through the Teen Challenge program. He was very interesting to listen to and maybe, fingers are crossed, he may be helpful to Damon in the future.
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Old 01-18-2012, 11:20 AM   #1720
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You're right Sandy...we are one heck of a group..lol I don't remember you having lung surgery either, so what's up with that? If you haven't had a check up, of course you need to get that done. Sometime I wish I could find a nurse practioner here. I mean, I like my Dr., but sometimes I would feel more comfortable with a woman to speak with.

Sorry that it's your turn to have computer problems. Maybe it just needs a tune up? I've thought about netbooks too, but the keyboards are small. I'm so use to the normal size keyboards I find it very hard to get use to any of the smaller ones. I'd definitely play with them in a store first.

Sandy is there anyway you can tell your supervisor she's a pain in the a$$? Would a good talk help any or does she even have a clue? I really don't have any advice, just wish you the best in this situation.

Your EX sounds like a real piece of work. He must just want to be able to keep an eye on you. Make sure all your settings are set so he can't see your page.

I'm on my laptop now....Yay!!!! It's has taken me two days to get it back where it should be and I still have a few things to tweak. Then I have to download iTunes again so I can update and sync my iPad. Wow....so much to do when these darn things crash.

I am pleased to announce that the prednisone is a wonder drug for me. Maybe a very slight pain now and then, but just after 4 total doses....I am mostly pain free. I am so relieved. It was getting so it was making me a nervous wreck. So....lesson learned....get to the dr. and not wait anymore. Geesh....took me long enough to learn that didn't it????
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 01-18-2012, 05:11 PM   #1721
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Originally Posted by gja1000 View Post
OH SANDY!! OK first things first, why did you have lung surgery? Yes, you need to get that dry cough checked. It's probably just residual from your Christmas crud, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
In 2004, I was on Enbrel for rheumatoid arthritis. I developed pleurisy on my lung that got so bad (missed by my doc twice and ER once) it collapsed my lung. Third visit to my doc she followed me to hospital to be admitted in ICU. 12 painful awful days in pulmonary ICU and 8 days in regular room. They broke my ribs, took my lung out, scraped it and tacked it back in. I was on mega antibiotics and they called my family in a couple of times.

No big deal, right!

I think I have a fungal infection in my lungs. Should have kept going to doc until they gave me an antibiotic. I have an appt at 1:30 tomorrow. I'm actually blowing the whole day off tomorrow. I need a break to give myself an attitude check.
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Old 01-18-2012, 05:23 PM   #1722
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I'm typing from my new laptop I got today. I picked the Dell 14Z and it seems a little slow, but it's probably my basic internet service.

I have chats with my boss quite often that she is too demanding or that she's asking things of me that no manager has ever asked of me. She is aware that she's asking more, but was told that I can handle the load. She has some really good times, but not often.

Janet, I'll ask my new NP for some wonder drugs tomorrow. My shoulder still gives me grief, but I'd summed up that my is nerves and stress. How long will you take the meds?

I know I have mineral rights to my inherited land and that there are quarterly checks for the pipelines and that my sis is banking it for herself, but I know that she needs it more than I do (for now) and that my parents would want me to leave it alone. I would like to know how much it is.
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Old 01-18-2012, 05:35 PM   #1723
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Janet, I'll ask my new NP for some wonder drugs tomorrow. My shoulder still gives me grief, but I'd summed up that my is nerves and stress. How long will you take the meds?
I have to take 3 pills a day for 3 days, then 2 for 3 days then 1 for 3 days and then a half for 3 days. It sure is working, sure hope it stays that way. It's Prednisone, a steriod I think.

I know I have mineral rights to my inherited land and that there are quarterly checks for the pipelines and that my sis is banking it for herself, but I know that she needs it more than I do (for now) and that my parents would want me to leave it alone. I would like to know how much it is.
Why can't you just ask her how much it is? Or check with whoever sends the checks? I think I would want to know too.
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Old 01-18-2012, 06:37 PM   #1724
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Janet, it was a couple hundred a year and she puts it to good use with her foster/adopted kids, so I'm ok with her taking it .. just wish she'd be open about it.
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Old 01-19-2012, 03:30 AM   #1725
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I don't blame you Sandy....I much prefer someone to be honest and open.....but it is just too hard for some...not sure why.
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