Originally Posted by Lindsey
We made it there and back home safe! It was soooo cold though. They have a lot more snow than we have, and the highways were pretty icy. There were quite a few tracks into the ditch. We made sure the car was packed with blankets before we left, just in case. Most of Saturday was spent shopping, and walking from the parking lots into stores was terrible. I couldn't even keep my eyes open!
By the end of the week it's supposed to be nice again, around -5C (23F).
Judy, in the fall it seems really cold when it's around that temperature, but after a long cold winter, as soon as it gets above the 0 degree mark I can go outside in a t-shirt no problem lol.
Maddie, I feel the same way about cold snowy Christmases! As long as I don't have to be outside
You do acclimate! I run around without a coat when it's in the 40's, and even (very) high 30's. Once it gets down to close to freezing though, out comes the jacket. I would not dream of wearing my down coat yet though. It's way too hot!
Stay warm!!!