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Old 12-03-2012, 07:58 AM   #2731
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Judy, I'm sorry to hear that you and your daughter are fighting. I remember how hard on you it was when she didn't have anything to do with you. I hope it's all blown over and you can both get on. I know that you'll do your best to keep the communication open! You're a good Mom!!

Lindsey, your museum sounds so interesting!! I'd love to go there!! In Nebraska there is a museum that has a lot of original buildings that have been moved onto a piece of ground and have original items in them.....behind glass. It sounds similiar to what you have except these are all set outside! Then inside of the main buildings are displays of antique things. It's very interesting too. I bet that it's so cool with all of the Christmas tree displays!!

The craft fair sounds like fun too. I think that you showed the girls a good time!! I'm sure that they loved going with you!!

Yesterday after church one of the groups in town had a tour of some local homes. We always have a group of ladies from church that meet and we all go together. We got to view three homes. One was a wonderful victorian home all decorated in such lovely victorian furniture and thngs! I really liked it.....except everything was teal and pink!! I just love the big homes with all of the special wood trims!! Another home we looked at the husband was an avid hunter and has been to Africa several times. The home was decorated in a jungle animal print theme and was just beautiful......not over done but was very tasteful. The husband had a new building in their back yard that had most of his mounted animals in it. It was one of the nicest displays of animals that I had ever seen. Usually I'm not fond of deer heads and such but he had so many different animals that it was very interesting!

Then last night our church had a Christmas banquet. It was very nice! They had the high school choir come in and sing. My granddaughter, Kera, was one of the singers! Then they had a magician and he was really good and very comical!! It was a really nice evening!!

Today it's me and Dean!! I still have a little bit of touch up in Jaci's room and then I need to get the furniture moved in! Yay!!

Jaci finally let me start telling people about her pregnancy. She's still a little worried about letting people know in case there should be any problems but the doctor assured her that everything is A plus!! It was exciting to be able to tell people during the home tour!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 12-03-2012, 07:23 PM   #2732
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Lindsey, the museum trip, especially with the exchange students sounds like so much fun. I love museums too, especially the kind that show how life used to be. I know you had so much fun, it sounds so beautiful. And you all know i LOVE craft shows!

Judy, I'm so sorry things have not been smooth between you and Jessie. I bet it's hard to walk on eggshells. But I bet everything will be OK especially here at Christmas. At least I hope everything is OK.

Diana, the home tour sounds like so much fun. I like to do that sort of thing with friends. I hope to be able to start getting out and doing things with friends, it's hard when you are suddenly single and everyone else is married. But I'm working on it.

I met the kids on Saturday half way between Austin and Houston. Brooke and Bryan had to go to a funeral so I took the girls shopping while they were gone. It was a small town so we had to travel about 10 miles to find some little antique/craft shops. We had fun though. Then we went back to the little town and went to a few little stores there. Then we met Brooke and Bryan and all ate lunch together. It was a nice day (except for the funeral they had to attend). Bryan was a pall bearer and he wore Gary's suit that we bought when his best friend died and Gary was a pall bearer. The suit fit Bryan like it was made for him - it was a little spooky.

This is the last week of school, but I will be busy all through next week and part of the next. I hope to be finished up to take some time off by the 19th or 20th. I'm so fortunate to have a 2-3 weeks off at Christmas. I'm going to Houston this weekend. I have tickets to a basketball game on Saturday. Abi is going with me. We will have fun!
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Old 12-04-2012, 09:12 AM   #2733
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Gayle, I know that you're busy with the ending of the semester but you'll be able to enjoy your time off with all of the Christmas things going on so much more without the stress of school!!

Your little trip with the girls sounds so nice! I love to go to little towns with their little antique shops. They're not as picked over and you feel like you can actually find a bargain. I'm sure the company you had made it even more fun!! I'm sure the girls are really growning!!

I know that it's hard on you with Gary gone but I think that you're doing a great job of getting out with friends and family. I'm sure that Christmas will be difficult but you'll have your family with you to help. Hugs.......
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 12-04-2012, 10:44 AM   #2734
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Both of the girls and Brooke were sick yesterday with malaise and a low fever. Of course, I was with them all day on Saturday. I began to get a headache last night (I never have a headache!) and today I just felt "off". So I decided to work at home. I took a little nap and have gotten some things done. I feel al little better - don't really feel badly - just off and a little headachy!
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Old 12-05-2012, 03:49 AM   #2735
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WOW. Alot going on with everyone. Congrats Diana on the Baby News. Hope you are feeling better today Gayle. I am off to work. Then on vacation so to speak the rest of the week. Cleaning and Christmas shopping. Have a great day Everyone.
The real measure of a woman's wealth is what she has invested in eternity. Linda aka 2tiredmom
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Old 12-05-2012, 01:18 PM   #2736
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A little vacation with some shopping sounds so nice!! I'm not sure exactly what we're doing as far as gifts for Christmas so I haven't even given it a thought!

I haven't done much today because I've been online looking for curtains for Jaci's room. I found some I liked on e-Bay and someone bought some of them while I was deciding if I really liked them and now there's only one panel left. I just sent the seller a message to ask if she had any more. Bummer!!!

We have The Alley tonight so we'll be gone this evening for that. I get really tired of the kids acting up and my patience is gone as far as dealing with the ones acting up. There are other adults there but hardly anyone gets onto the kids. I've been sending them to the wall where there are chairs set up for those in trouble. A couple of weeks ago I had the whole back row over there!! The kids know that I mean what I say. I think that I'm very firm......but I'm also quick to give out hugs!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 12-06-2012, 01:55 PM   #2737
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Nothing much has really been going on here except the same old stuff. I'm still missing my Mom, I really need her to talk to.

Ricky has been helping a guy work on a truck in the city where he works and last night he didn't come home. I didn't know until this morning when he texted me. I always go to bed early so don't always know if he comes home or not. I understand that he's older now and I don't mind, but what I do mind is he knows he has two dogs and two cats to take care of. So when he comes home this evening he will need to feed the cats and empty the litter box....neither has been done since Wednesday morning. I won't do it, they are not my responsibility and I refuse to have more dumped on me.

Also, since I go to bed early and Ricky wasn't home, Rick should have put the dogs in their crates for the night, but didn't. He left them in the kitchen and also left their mess for me to clean up this morning. It's not going to be a fun night...I'm telling him exactly what I think. I don't want a yelling match, but I'm sure it will end up that way.

Yesterday, he rec'd his bank statement in the mail. This afternoon, I was wondering what he does with his statements so I went looking for them. I found them hidden real good. After having to stretch to pay the bills, it seems he has over $2000 in his account. Such a f'n jerk!

I've sent out so many resumes. I have to keep my job for the insurance, but I've got to find a second job. I won't be able to support myself on a bus drivers salary. I do know I'm telling him to get himself on his own company insurance plan because I'm taking him off mine.

This is part of why I haven't been here. So negative all the time. It's not been easy....I feel dumped on and treated like crap...please keep me in your prayers.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 12-06-2012, 07:19 PM   #2738
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Janet is there any office work at your school or another school in town. My sister in law's husband left her suddenly many years ago. She didn't have any work experience at all and she was older but she was able to get work in the school office. She still works there. Do they use teacher aids in the schools? I know it's hard to find a job these days, but don't give up!
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Old 12-07-2012, 07:37 AM   #2739
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So sorry, Janet. It sounds like they both need to be in trouble. Just make your point and don't get in a shouting match with Rick. It won't help your heath to get so upset at them.

We had play practice last night......just shoot me!!! Kids are so difficult to work with!! Most of them don't know their lines or their song and we're putting on the play the 16th!! The kids we have to work with are difficult kids that don't usually listen to anything. Last year we had a lot of older kids that were easy to work with but they are too old for children's church now.......and we really miss them!! Amy's family is taking a vacation to Branson this weekend so she'll be gone on Sunday for our next practice so I'll be doing it......UGH!!!!!! However.....I'm a little more strict than Amy is so maybe we'll get a good practice in.......I guess we'll see!!!

Today my goal is to move my roll top desk into Jaci's room from the office. I may have to take the top part off to get it in there because of the way that doors line up. I'm so fustrated at Glen with his attitude lately that I'm not asking for his help........so if you hear of my death.......you'll know that I died moving that stupid desk!!!! I'll be taking the drawers and everything I can off of it to make it lighter and I have some of those sliders to help move.......and I love them!! It will probably have to be turned up on end to get through the doorways!! If you're coming this way I could use some extra muscle!!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 12-07-2012, 02:36 PM   #2740
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Ok......I'm still alive but the desk is still in the office!! I moved it somewhat out from the wall.....whew!! That thing is HEAVY!! I was taking the top off when Glen came home and he measured and it will barely fit through the door into Jaci's room so......we're not sure what to do with it!! Personally I think that we should sell it because it takes up soooo much room (I should mention that it's a roll top desk but it's not old) Glen's going to decided if he would rather use it than the desk that he has so I guess that it's going to sit right where it is until he decides......right smack dab in the middle of the office!!!

Now.....I have all the "stuff" that was in and on it to go through and figure out what to do with it all!!! UGH!!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 12-08-2012, 04:43 AM   #2741
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I feel your pain Diana. I hate to move furniture, even to vacuum behind or under. I especially hate to move furniture from room to room. Since we moved a couple of years ago, I've had to get rid of so much stuff. That's good, but such a lot of work.
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Old 12-08-2012, 04:48 AM   #2742
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I'm in Houston this weekend. The Texas women's (and men's) basketball teams are playing UCLA at Reliant stadium. That a football stadium where the NFL team the Texans play. It should be interesting to see how they reconfigure it for basketball. Abi is going with me. Thank goodness she is off crutches so I won't have to push her in a wheelchair. I'm excited to see the professional stadium. I've only been to one other NFL stadium and it was 37 years ago!!!!
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Old 12-08-2012, 06:00 PM   #2743
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I love moving furniture and making a room look different or just plain arranging furniture. I always wanted a roll top desk but it just wasn't mention to be. Now I'm using Mom's computer desk. I like it though so I'm not complaining.

Today I didn't do anything but sleep. I did do a load of laundry, but that's really about it. I was either sleeping on the couch since the guys were gone or dozing in the chair. Must've needed the rest. It's such a cold drizzly day....good for sleeping. Hope I can sleep some tonight.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 12-10-2012, 07:00 PM   #2744
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Hi Everybody!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been keeping up.

Mike and I are leaving tomorrow for Paris. We get to stay a little over 3 weeks, and come back Jan. 5th!! The kids are so excited, and so are we! For the last 2 years Mike and I have had Christmas dinner at a Chinese restaurant by ourselves, so it will be wonderful to be with Michael, Rachel, Mikey, Caleb and Raelyn. I just wish Dustin and Joy could go too, but that didn't work out.

We plan on going to Disneyland Paris one day. It's just 45 minutes from where they live. They were able to buy a van a few weeks ago, so we won't have to take a bus or train everywhere we go. I'm thrilled about that! Mike has always wanted to go to the beaches at Normandy, so he and Michael are going to spend 2 days there.

I can't believe we're having Christmas in Paris. My boys moving away has really forced me to broaden my horizons, lol! And packing is such a pain in the neck I have 3 big suitcases, 2 carry on bags, and a full backpack. Of course they are full of Christmas presents and the things that they wanted me to bring. From Oatmeal Creme Pies to OTC medicines, lol! It will be a miracle if we get through customs with all this crap, lolol!!!
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Old 12-10-2012, 07:26 PM   #2745
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How exciting Betsi ! Have a safe trip and enjoy the time with your beautiful family . Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year ! Take lots of pictures.
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