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Old 12-11-2006, 03:12 PM   #1
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How Do You Feel About a Public School Teacher Dress Code?

Okay, so my superintendant is coming up with a "teacher" dress code. Right now women are allowed to wear dressy clothes (i.e. dress pants, sweaters, etc) Mon-Thurs. and dress down on Friday. Men are the same (comfortable/casual) and dress down on Fridays. But, soon things will be changing.

I'm not sure what's gonna going on, but I believe he is getting rid of dress down Fridays (jeans, sweatshirts, sneakers, etc.). Maybe he'll go to more "suity" for men and women? Who knows.

Can you please tell me what you think of this whole thing in a public school setting? I can understand teachers not dressing like "hoochies" (short skirts, etc.), but I don't see anything wrong with the way we all are dressing already. I think he should be focusing on the education of our students, not what the teachers are wearing. What I really want to see is some cold hard evidence/studies done that shows that a teacher's dress code has a direct influence on students grades. I would love to read it if it were true.

So please, whether you agree with me or not, enlighten me please. Tell me what you think.

PS. We're not dressing like slobs by they way. hehehehe

PSS. I heard at first he was thinking about having women wear skirt suits! Helllloooo!!! What are we in the 50's? Nicole does NOT wear shirts to school! Next it would be that we can't get married, frequent pool halls, or wear bathing suits in public!
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Old 12-11-2006, 03:36 PM   #2
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I don't think there should be any reason for change. When I was in high school it was the same... more dressed up during the week and then casual fridays. How many students actually notice what their teacher is wearing anyway??

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Old 12-11-2006, 03:55 PM   #3
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uh oh, I think I'm gonna be the bad witch here! I'm 51, we all should know that by now...lol....and I think teachers should be dressed in skirts or dresses, men in dress pants, shirt and tie. Not because of the students grades, but because it is, in my opinion, a way to earn more respect. By the same token, I think the male students should be wearing dark pants and white shirts, female students should be wearing dark skirts and white blouses. I know that sounds really old fashioned, but there is too much concentration between the students on what they have or don't have, how much money they can spend on trendy clothes and those who can't afford it. I think most students would do better in class and teachers would look more like authority figures instead of mom or aunt Sue. This is just my opinion and I really hope I'm not bashed too much for this, but I've discussed this with other parents, teachers and bus drivers and I would say 90-95% feel the same way. Okay now......let me have it!!!
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Old 12-11-2006, 04:38 PM   #4
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I'm of the same generation Janet is...

I think teachers should dress up more than the students do for sure. They're supposed to be setting an example, and being well dressed is part of that in my mind. I don't think skirts should be mandatory, but dress pants rather than jeans... nice shirts or sweaters rather than sweats or tees... leather shoes rather than sneakers wouldn't hurt.

I've had MANY jobs over the years and all that put me in any position of authority demanded at least office casual dress. It's ok to show the students that this is how adults dress in the workplace. I personally am totally turned off by adults who show up to work with cleavage or bellies showing. I'm seeing a trend toward that in our new teller at the bank, and it just isn't appealing or professional. If you want to be seen as a professional, you need to dress like one.

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Old 12-11-2006, 04:46 PM   #5
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I can understand not allowing teachers to come to work as slobs, but I always learn better when they don't look all dressed up and fancy. A nice tshirt with some jeans is fine by me.

I agree, he should be concentrating more on education rather than how teachers dress.

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Old 12-11-2006, 05:03 PM   #6
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Around here, most of the male teachers wear khakis and casual shirts. Either button front or polo type shirts. The problems I've seen have been with female teachers wearing things too short or too tight.

I think teachers should set an example and the first thing kids notice ( I have 3 nieces and a nephew in school now) is how teachers dress. Kids form opinions fast and if a teacher dresses a little too much like the students, they are not respected as professionals.
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Old 12-11-2006, 05:09 PM   #7
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That's true...

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Old 12-11-2006, 07:12 PM   #8
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I think it would be more of a distraction if teachers looked really nice instead of casual. I think that as long as the teachers aren't wearing anything too sloppy or skimpy, then they should be able to wear anything they want. I know I am more comfortable and am able to work better when I am not wearing a skirt and panty hose. That would be MISERABLE!
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Old 12-11-2006, 07:30 PM   #9
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I've had teachers that didn't dress appropriately and it really pisse dme off
I do think teachers should dress a certain way
I mean... you are going to work, so dress like it!
(I'm not saying this specifically to you btw, lol, just in general, ya know!)
I hated it when my teacher wore the same red ugly polo and jeans every day
it was distracting because she looked messy

I think teachers should wear dressy casual, like nice but not like they're going to a wedding ofcourse.
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Old 12-12-2006, 12:18 AM   #10
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i work at a private school and the teachers dress business casual and dress down on friday's.. jean day lol.. it's free dress for the students every friday.

if a teacher is overdressed.. too professional looking i believe it'll be something for the kids to talk about.. i know when i was in school a couple of my girlfriends and i would aways laugh lol. (whaat i was a young brat! lol)

but yea i think as long as they're not dressing like hoochies dressy pants/skirts is good enough.

i actually wear business casual clothes.. but im getting so tired of trying to find nice clothes that'll fit me (still having trouble getting this post pregnancy weight off).. i just want to wear my scrubs and lab coat lol
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Old 12-12-2006, 04:27 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by khardy57
I think teachers should set an example and the first thing kids notice ( I have 3 nieces and a nephew in school now) is how teachers dress. Kids form opinions fast and if a teacher dresses a little too much like the students, they are not respected as professionals.
I agree with this. It is very important that teachers dress nice, and I think we all know what that means. Khakis, nice jeans (not the trendy torn and super faded look), skirts, dress pants, polos, blouses, sport or dress shirts (button down is good), nice dresses (not MooMoo's or sun dresses, sleeveless should probably be out) all things properly fitting, business casual, nice yet comfortable. Neither gender should look at all provacative, but business casual, professional.

Teachers should set the tone, and be an example decency in our society.
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Old 12-12-2006, 06:45 AM   #12
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I work in an elementary school. Our dress code is very similar to yours. Dress up Mon-Thurs and jeans and school shirt on Fridays. Our school is having a battle right now against the principal because some of the teachers/staff want to wear the velour (spelling) jogging suits. Excuse me, but a jogging suit is a jogging suit and should not be allowed. Our principal allows us to wear capris and sandals...not very many out there would allow it.

Anyway, I'm just rambling. I think that your school's dress code is fine and shouldn't be changed.
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Old 12-12-2006, 08:08 AM   #13
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I agree 210% with Janet... I also think teachers should dress more like a authority figure and less like a aunt or uncle... I also think school uniforms would equalize everyone and avoid alot of disturbances ....not to mention help alot of kids with their self esteem issues and bullys. You see if there is a uniform on every student no one will feel less or get teased or made fun of as much... just my opinion.
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Old 12-16-2006, 01:05 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by cindy0721
I agree 210% with Janet... I also think teachers should dress more like a authority figure and less like a aunt or uncle... I also think school uniforms would equalize everyone and avoid alot of disturbances ....not to mention help alot of kids with their self esteem issues and bullys. You see if there is a uniform on every student no one will feel less or get teased or made fun of as much... just my opinion.

Thank you...
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Old 12-21-2006, 10:46 AM   #15
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I think I am the odd ball here. I think a LOT depends on the grades you are teaching. I think in the elementary schools dressing down is a HUGE plus. The little kids can very intimidated by adults. If you are dressed up too much then I think it only makes things worse. Having the little ones respect you is one thing. Having them trust you and like you is another. I found with my daughter that if she really likes the teacher then she does really well. Her Kindy teacher dressed very casual. A lot like I would. The kids LOVED her. The teachers that dressed up more still had kids that liked them but they also were very intimidated by her as well.

As for the middle and high school then I think it is a must that the teachers dress nicely. Older kids are much different. At least I think they are.
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