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Old 11-24-2006, 05:54 PM   #1
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Is It Normal?

I just had a baby almost 5 months ago.. and we LOVE her to pieces that I want another one

A lot of my friends are very close in age with their siblines (like exactly a year apart or 13 months etc)..

i know it's VERY hard.. but a few of my husbands family that had her boys 14 months apart said it was very hard in the beginning, but she doesn't regret it (they are about 8 and 7 now) .. and she says they are very close etc..

but yea i want anotjher one!
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Old 11-24-2006, 06:33 PM   #2
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I think the spacing of your children is a very personal choice. If that's what you want, and your hubby is agreeable to it, why not? My 2 youngest are 23 months apart and I personally wouldn't have wanted them any closer than that, but what's right for one isn't necessarily right for all, so I say go for it! Babies are precious, so I can't fault you for wanting more!
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Old 11-25-2006, 06:57 AM   #3
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Oh boy! Already???? Hey, that's a decision between you guys. My kids are almost 6 years apart. I wish they were closer in age but it didn't work out that way.
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Old 11-25-2006, 07:00 AM   #4
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I agree with Tink that this is a personal decision. You might want to talk to people who have children close together and get some idea if this is for you. I do know that it takes a lot of patience to have 2 little ones.

My first 2 children are 2 1/2 yrs. apart. That seemed plenty close enough to me. Then the next one I had was 5 years younger, and the fourth child is 10 years younger. I have exactly 17 1/2 years from oldest to youngest (He was born Nov. 5 and she was born May 5). I loved having the last 2 to myself and really babied them a lot more. When they were small they weren't as close with each other, but now that they're almost grown up they are close (my youngest is 14). I didn't have the patience to have them really close in age.
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Old 11-28-2006, 08:20 PM   #5
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I want to do that as well when I have kids

but do you stay at home?
I think this would be really difficult with a full time job, unless you are able to get like 6 months off ha ha ha
I think if this sounds good to you, DO IT!
ha ha, but of course it will be REALLY hard in the beginning, and when they leave for college, it might be a bit overwhelming
but I think that the close they are in age the closer they are, my cousins are just a little more than a year apart and they're very close and get along like best friends, they even have the same group of friends!
my siblings are WAY WAY WAY older then me, and I don't ever even talk to them, even though my sister is in her mid 30's and I'm 18 we fight like crazy.

it's just up to you, and how you raise them, on how close they'll be!!!

good luck!
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Old 12-03-2006, 12:35 PM   #6
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My first two are 23 months apart. The second and third are two and a half years apart, and the third and fourth are 19 months apart. Of all my kids, my youngest two, who are closest in age, are bonded closest to eachother.
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Old 12-03-2006, 03:51 PM   #7
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I think it's perfectly normal if you love kids. I wanted a bunch before I found out I couldn't. The perfect number for me would have been seven. As I got older, I dropped it down to 5 and then 3. I have my precious ONE and he's the best!!!
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Old 12-03-2006, 06:25 PM   #8
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We have two girls, 18 months apart. It was hard at first, and I didn't get to baby the first one as long as I would have liked, but it's nice having them so close in age. Before our youngest went away to college and found a boyfriend, our girls each considered her sister to be her best friend. How much better can it be than that?

The toughest part is that the time flies by, and they are both out of school and in college, and their becoming independent. It would be nice to still have a child in school. I originally wanted 4, but it did not turn out that way. I think 4 would have been better. The first two as we had them, and then a third about three years later with another 18 months after that. 2 pair.

But, God knew what we could handle, and actually, I wouldn't change a thing. If only I could get them to listen to me more and try harder in college!!!!! 'Lissa are you reading this???
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Old 12-12-2006, 10:03 AM   #9
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A lot of women want children close in age. It really is a very personal choice. I wanted no part of having anymore kids for quite a while. The thought of 2 in diapers was not my idea of fun!

I had a really hard childhood and had to grow up fast. For a long time I didn't wnt any kids. Then one day it just hit me. Took me over a year to get preg. When she came I was very happy with the one I had. I never realyl had the "urge" to ahve another one until just a year or so ago. Now it is really too late for me.

I agree with Tink as well. If this is what you and your hubby want then go for it.
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Old 12-12-2006, 06:58 PM   #10
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after i had my second baby who is now 19 months i wanted another one i was like i can do this but we decided not to have any more and now that he is a little older i am so glad i decided not to i don't think i could handle 2 that close together especially after he started walking i could not imagine trying to take care of a new born while chasing down a 1 yr old lol i wish i could i would love another baby but i just ain't equipped to handle it lol. my oldest is 6 so they are 5 yrs apart a lot farther then i wanted. But this is a very personal choice it's whatever is right for you. good luck
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Old 12-15-2006, 07:50 PM   #11
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I also want my children close in age and I want 4-5 kids. Lol seems like a lot but my mom's friend has 4 and the 2 sisters are best friends. They're like 2 yrs apart. I want 2 boys and 3girls.
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