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Old 02-05-2007, 03:56 PM   #1
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Question Calling all contact wearers!!

First, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this..if not, Admin, would you put it where it should go...Thank you!

I am kinda new to the contact world...I was fitted for them last May. I had been going back and forth to the eye doctor for weeks trying to get the right prescription (I wear mono vision) and the right contact that would fit my eyes. They are disposable...How long do you wear yours before you use a new pair? How do you know when it's time to change? What kind of solution do you use? I just changed my solution to one that is supposed to keep them more hydrated. I have allergies so I had to play around with the different solutions until I found one that didn't bother my eyes. Usually when I'd take out my contacts my eyes would kind of ache for a few hours..With this new solution this isn't happening but, I do notice that they get a build up rather quickly. If I were to wear them all day and night I would have to take them out, rinse them with saline and then put them back in...what a difference that makes....Any and all comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Thanks girls!
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Old 02-05-2007, 06:20 PM   #2
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Good thread. I'd like to hear what folks say also. I have tried several times to wear contacts, and they just can't get the prescription to a point where the distance and closeup vision are both good. It's either one or the other, and my eyes seem to dry out.

Let's see what info you all have for Brenda, and I'll just listen in.
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Old 02-06-2007, 03:19 AM   #3
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I use to wear contacts (the hard kind) many years ago. I worked at Frito Lay and half way through the day, there would be such a build up. Then it started happening more frequently and I would have to clean them every hour or so. It was an oily film, guessing from the fryers and it being in the air. I went back to glasses as much as I hated to.

I would like to go back, but with astigmatism and bi-focals, my Dr. doesn't recommend it. If they would put me to sleep, I would love to have the laser surgery done, but I'm too chicken to have it done while I'm awake.
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Old 02-06-2007, 05:29 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Marilyn
Good thread. I'd like to hear what folks say also. I have tried several times to wear contacts, and they just can't get the prescription to a point where the distance and closeup vision are both good. It's either one or the other, and my eyes seem to dry out.

Let's see what info you all have for Brenda, and I'll just listen in.
This is exactly what is happening to me..I have a neighbor that wears mono vision also...your years....I asked him if his vision got sort of "off" withing a certain distance and he said yes..But, you know what's weird?? If the sun is shining in my eyes and I don't have sun glasses on I can see perfect! What is that about!! sometimes I can see perfect and other times there's like an inbetween area where I see a little blurry...The new solution I am trying is called....Amo Complete Moisture Plus...My contacts didn't dry out like with the other solutions...
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Old 02-07-2007, 05:02 PM   #5
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I used to wear contacts up until December 2006 when I had to wear my glasses before my lasik surgery. Now I don't need contacts or glasses. Woohoo!!!!

Anyway... I wore contacts for about 10 years. I used Acuvue II 2 week disposable. I took them out every night and never slept in them. If you have disposables, whether it be one day, one week, two week, etc...you need to dispose of them in the allotted time or else you can make your eyes worse or get an infection. As for solution, I used Renu Multi Plus No Rub. I found that worked the best.

If you have any other questions, just holla!
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Old 02-07-2007, 05:04 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Janet
I use to wear contacts (the hard kind) many years ago. I worked at Frito Lay and half way through the day, there would be such a build up. Then it started happening more frequently and I would have to clean them every hour or so. It was an oily film, guessing from the fryers and it being in the air. I went back to glasses as much as I hated to.

I would like to go back, but with astigmatism and bi-focals, my Dr. doesn't recommend it. If they would put me to sleep, I would love to have the laser surgery done, but I'm too chicken to have it done while I'm awake.
The laser is great!!!! It's not that bad!
Nicole Baby Fidgette My MySpace
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Old 02-08-2007, 06:11 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by BabyNicole
I used to wear contacts up until December 2006 when I had to wear my glasses before my lasik surgery. Now I don't need contacts or glasses. Woohoo!!!!

Anyway... I wore contacts for about 10 years. I used Acuvue II 2 week disposable. I took them out every night and never slept in them. If you have disposables, whether it be one day, one week, two week, etc...you need to dispose of them in the allotted time or else you can make your eyes worse or get an infection. As for solution, I used Renu Multi Plus No Rub. I found that worked the best.

If you have any other questions, just holla!

I tried the that solution but, when I'd take my contacts out my eyes would ached and get kind of goopy...Since I've swithed to the Complete Moisture Plus this doesn't seem to happen..Of course I just started using it so we will see what happens..I also wear glasses, actually I where my glasses at home and when I go out I use my contacts..I don't sleep in mine either but, I do keep them longer than a month.

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