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Old 07-18-2008, 07:40 AM   #1
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I hate spiders !!

As soon as i got to work this morning, trying to get all my testing done before it gets to hot outside, i was putting the water hose outside my window for my Scrap FE testing, and there was this HUGE wolf spider crawling up my arm, i freaked out, ran over to the other office and got my boss to step on it.. He was laughing, i wasn't!!! He said that i have to get over this phobia about spiders.. oh just to think of that thing crawling on me with all those eye balls creaps me out...
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:43 AM   #2
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Hun, I would have been screaming right along with you. I HATE spiders. I can handle the little ones they are easy to squash! LOL Anything bigger than a small pea and I am freaking out! I opened up my back door one day and there was a MASSIVE wolf spider hanging off the ledge. I actually started to hyperventilate!!! When I got my breath back I actually started to cry! LOL I know exactly how you feel!
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Old 07-18-2008, 02:11 PM   #3
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I'm sorry that you are so scared of spiders. I have a black widow in a jar on my kitchen window ledge that I named Jezebel. I've had her for several weeks and was throwing a bug or two in once in a while, but she put in an egg sack and the babies recently hatched out so I'm afraid to open it for fear of letting some loose in the house. I bet you really didn't want to hear this either, did you? I'm not kidding, I really do have a black widow. She's been really, really interesting to watch! My husband put her in the jar to show to his boys group at church and we've just never gotten rid of her.

I also found one outside yesterday with a bunch of just hatched out little ones, but they got sprayed with Raid. We've found several around here this summer.

I also have a large cocoon in another jar that I'm waiting to come out. I think that it's going to be a large green moth but I'm not sure. It's been there for several weeks too. You never know what you're going to find at my house!!!
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Old 07-18-2008, 06:09 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by DianaB View Post
I'm sorry that you are so scared of spiders. I have a black widow in a jar on my kitchen window ledge that I named Jezebel. I've had her for several weeks and was throwing a bug or two in once in a while, but she put in an egg sack and the babies recently hatched out so I'm afraid to open it for fear of letting some loose in the house. I bet you really didn't want to hear this either, did you? I'm not kidding, I really do have a black widow. She's been really, really interesting to watch! My husband put her in the jar to show to his boys group at church and we've just never gotten rid of her.

I also found one outside yesterday with a bunch of just hatched out little ones, but they got sprayed with Raid. We've found several around here this summer.

I also have a large cocoon in another jar that I'm waiting to come out. I think that it's going to be a large green moth but I'm not sure. It's been there for several weeks too. You never know what you're going to find at my house!!!
Diana, aren't black widows poisenous? Do you have a lot of them around your home? What about the dogs?

I'm not really afraid of spiders, just don't care for them on me. I don't think I know what a wolf spider is. We mostly have these tiny little black things and granddaddy long legs.
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:42 PM   #5
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I HATE spiders - I got bit by a brown recluse as a child and still have the scar on the back of my knee from the damage that it did.
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Old 07-19-2008, 08:40 AM   #6
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I'm terrified of spiders! When we were kids my brother used to pick them up by a leg and throw them at me! ewwww just the thought of spiders makes me cringe!

Of course I'm in shape. Isn't round a shape?
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Old 07-19-2008, 10:14 AM   #7
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Black widows are one of the most poisonous spiders there is. We try to be real careful when we pick up stuff because they like to be underneath where it's nice and dry. We've found several around by my basement door and so we know to keep an eye out there for them. They're not aggressive so I'm not worried about Reuger getting bit. He pretty much stays where the yard is clear.

A wolf spider is usually the big spider that you see in your yard. They usually have a hole in the ground and are rather large, but not much to be afraid of.
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Old 07-21-2008, 02:49 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by DianaB View Post
Black widows are one of the most poisonous spiders there is. We try to be real careful when we pick up stuff because they like to be underneath where it's nice and dry. We've found several around by my basement door and so we know to keep an eye out there for them. They're not aggressive so I'm not worried about Reuger getting bit. He pretty much stays where the yard is clear.

A wolf spider is usually the big spider that you see in your yard. They usually have a hole in the ground and are rather large, but not much to be afraid of.
Diana, i have goose bumps on my arms you are freaking me out.. get rid of that spider,, YUk !!!!!
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Old 07-21-2008, 03:29 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by HALEY View Post
Diana, i have goose bumps on my arms you are freaking me out.. get rid of that spider,, YUk !!!!!

Haley, you have another member of the scaredy cat, er spider group right here lol
You should have seen the death this poor black snake got. My mother was terrified of it, so what does she do? She chases it down, and tries chopping it in half with a shovel bashing its head in! I felt so bad for the poor thing when she told me and showed it to me, he looked like she had broken his vertebrete in a few spots.
Now I am not a huge fan of snakes either, but what a horrible frightening way to go... he was "walking" away, minding his own business.

Diana, giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrl......

Last edited by pope1982; 07-21-2008 at 03:34 AM.
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Old 07-21-2008, 04:07 AM   #10
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I hate anything that crawls,, yuk, i miss my Orkin guy.. but we had to cut back on bills due to the rising gas prices and my orkin guy had to go... now i have small spiders in my basement but not big ones yet, but here in pa, August is the time for the big wolf spiders to start coming out, there all around my lab trailer at work.. i freak out almost everyday.... i saw another in my lab this morning is was chasing it out with the broom... YUk,, what a head rush.. i get so upset when i see them, i get creaped out all day.. like there after me trying to crawl on me..
my boss laughs, he tells me i have steel toe boots on to just step on them, sometimes there bigger than my boot... Ekkkkk !!!!
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Old 07-21-2008, 05:09 AM   #11
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Glad to know I'm not alone in the spider hating!

Of course I'm in shape. Isn't round a shape?
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Old 07-21-2008, 05:33 AM   #12
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We have Black Widows ALL over the place. They really scare me. The anti-venom is actually worse than the bite. SOme people are allergic to it. I have a mild heart condition and they scare me to death. We spray around the house all the time. Diana You are one brave woman! LOL I couldn't keep one. LOL
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Old 07-21-2008, 07:57 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Emmsmom View Post
We have Black Widows ALL over the place. They really scare me. The anti-venom is actually worse than the bite. SOme people are allergic to it. I have a mild heart condition and they scare me to death. We spray around the house all the time. Diana You are one brave woman! LOL I couldn't keep one. LOL

Sorry but i would have to move !!! Do you have people that come out and spray like Orkin around you area? I loved them but had to give them up...
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Old 07-21-2008, 10:14 AM   #14
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My spider is in a jar with a tight fitting lid and no holes. Nothing can get in or out otherwise I wouldn't have her in my house! When it was just the one spider I could open and close the lid when she was in the bottom of the jar but with the babies in there I can't do that because they'll escape so right now they're not getting anything to eat. They have been really, really interesting to watch. I've learned so much about spiders.
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Old 07-21-2008, 04:06 PM   #15
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Spiders don't bother me unless they are crawling on me. That freaks me out!!! We have huge spiders here in the spring time that make large webs overnight. The spider itself is black and yellow and sits in the middle of the web waiting of a bug to light. We call them "writing spiders" because they make a heavy zigzag pattern in their web usually near the center, like it's their signature or something. They will stay for several days if their web is not disturbed, and they catch lots of bugs. We leave them alone unless they decide to make a web over the front door or something. I've gone to leave in the morning and there was a spider web across my path.

Melissa had one on the canopy of the RV she was living in and she enjoyed her pet until someone did her a favor and removed the web while she was in class one day. They, too, are interesting to watch.

May have to catch me a Black Widow, Diana, but hubby would probably have a fit!!
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