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Old 10-12-2008, 05:08 PM   #1
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Mother's House Broken Into

While my mother was camping her house was broken into. She came home to a mess. Ricky and I went in to help get it back into some order but it's going to take more work.

She had money, jewelry, and checks stolen. They turned the porch light bulb off so they could break in the back door although there is no sign of forced entry. She did have to unlock the back door to get in and then she immediately called my brother and then had to unlock the front door for him.

They went through all her drawers, cabinets and closets.

Found out from the cops that there is a convicted felon that lives down the street. He was in prison for breaking and entering. I guess he hangs around with a gang at the other end of the street. Now I am worried about my mom staying by herself.
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Old 10-12-2008, 05:14 PM   #2
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That's scary. I'm glad that your Mom wasn't home at the time. Are the police checking into it? It's too bad that people always want what doesn't belong to them. I bet that your Mom is really upset. Is she going to go and stay with you for awhile? Get her a sign that says her house is protected by Smith and Wesson!!!!
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Old 10-12-2008, 05:24 PM   #3
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She didn't want to stay with anyone. I think she's afraid if she did, she would always be afraid. It just makes me so darn angry that someone would do this and to an 85 year old woman. I'd like to check the guy out myself and take my friends Smith and Wesson with me.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 10-12-2008, 06:10 PM   #4
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That is just reprehensible!!! Why do people think they can just take what belongs to others! I just will never understand how someone can live with themselves after a crime. I guess it is lack of a conscious - but how does that happen???

I'm so sorry your mom has to endure this!
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Old 10-12-2008, 06:20 PM   #5
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So sorry that this happened to your mom. I so admire people like her. My boss' mom turned 100 Sept. 17th. Last summer she was making rolls, quilting and canning. She has not been as well lately, but she is a real go-getter-just like your mom!
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Old 10-12-2008, 06:38 PM   #6
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Janet, that's just scary!
I too am glad she wasn't home when they came in!
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Old 10-12-2008, 08:08 PM   #7
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What a horrible and scary thing to happen!!!!

I hope they catch the person who did this very soon.
Thank God your mom wasn't home. Hard to believe she wants to stay there by herself after this.. I would be terrified!! What a strong lady.
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Old 10-12-2008, 08:55 PM   #8
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I'm sorry to hear this
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Old 10-13-2008, 07:25 AM   #9
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Janet thank God that she was not home. Today your not safe anywhere. These son of o b's walk around so freely while we have to barracade ourselves in our own homes.. Sad..
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Old 10-13-2008, 08:51 AM   #10
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I went to Mom's this morning after the bus route to help her with some phone calls. We had to call the bank to report 6 checks missing. They made her pay $30 to place a stop payment on the checks. I would think if you reported them missing they would stop payment anyway...jerks.

Called the insurance company, she has $250 deductable. We don't think it will add up to that thank God. She doesn't remember what was in a few drawers and jewelry boxes, but there is at least $150 in silver dollars missing, $20 in quarters, a $20 and $50 dollar bill missing, jewelry missing.

They took all the boxes of family pictures that she had on a shelf in a closet and threw them all on the floor. Her mattress laying off her bed and had a lot of mouse droppings on it. Don't know how that got there. They went through all the dresser drawers, file cabinet, and kitchen & bathroom cabinets. They must have mostly been after items and money to buy drugs with, because they left the stereo, cameras and a few other smaller items.

Mother is so upset that she can't remember what was in different boxes and drawers. She feels so violated.

I did figure out they came through the back door. Cops couldn't find anything the dumb jerks, so I called them to let them know what I had found. Mom always has the back porch light on and they turned the bulb to make it go out. They have a detective assigned to her, but being Columbus Day..he's off. I told her the whole freak'n police department is off, I was so angry.

This was in today's paper... http://www.ftimes.com/main.asp?Secti...76&TM=46077.87

That address where he lives is 808, my Mom's is 901. His residence is just 3 houses to the east and across the street from my Mom. My brother said when they were at Mom's last night, that they saw the "other" guy on the bicycle at that house and when Jerry kept staring at him, he got back on his bike and left again.

I am just so thankful my Mom wasn't home. If he (and if it was him) was using a knife to break in, he could have hurt or killed her.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:17 AM   #11
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What a nightmare. I can't believe how brave she is at 85. God bless her.
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:58 AM   #12
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I'd be asking the police if they'd searched his house for your Mom's stuff. That's quite a coincidence two burgleries at the same time and it would be pretty easy for him to know when your Mom was home or away.
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Old 10-13-2008, 01:08 PM   #13
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If it's not one thing it's something else. I'm so sorry your mom is going though
this. Like I heard once before they should lock up us good law abiding people and let the bad guys out so they could just kill each other off.
Your in my thoughts and prayers as always.
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Old 10-13-2008, 03:14 PM   #14
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Janet make sure your mom always locks her doors when she is home alone and when solictors come along have her talk to them through a window and never let anyone in.
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Old 10-14-2008, 11:40 AM   #15
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How awful! Poor Mom! It must be terrible to know that somebody had gone through your things, and stolen some.

Thank goodness she wasn't home!

Are the police going to investigate? I sure hope so.

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