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Old 10-20-2008, 03:40 AM   #1
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Very Bad weekend!!!

This weekend was terrible, first Micah got more shots Friday, to top things off he wasn't feeling good, went over my mom's Saturday for awhile took my yorkies with us... My hubby was working, so i get home take the dogs out of the truck Micah was sleeping in the back. put the dogs in the gate went back to get Micah and the DOORS WERE LOCKED !!!!! even my cell phone everything including Micah was locked in the truck, i freaked out.. ran around the garage grabbed a brick and started busted the basement door in... took me a while, finally got into the house after smashing the door in got the extra set of truck keys ran back to the truck and got Micah, which he was still sleeping Thank God.. I was shaking so bad... that was so scary.. i just freaked out,, i think when i was getting the dogs out of the truck i must of hit the lock button on the door.. I called Mike and told him when he gets home he needs to fix the basement door. He fixed it when he got home, but says we have to get a new one.. Always something !! and i think i broke my hand it is so swollen... but another scary thing it didn't take me to long to bust my door in.. i don't know if it was just the thought of my son being locked in the truck,,, i just don't know where i got the strength to bust the door in, but i'm paying for it today ....
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:11 AM   #2
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Oh Oh, what a terrible feeling!!! I don't know what I'd do if my little granddaughter was locked in the car - that just must have been awful. I'm so glad that you got him out.

I'm sorry you had such a yucky weekend - mine was good and bad all rolled together, if there is such a thing!!!

I sure hope your hand is OK. Take care of yourself!
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:30 AM   #3
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Gayle, it was the WORSE feeling in my entire life, i had a panick attack.. my husband still can't believe little me busted in the door like that....
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:50 AM   #4
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So sorry you had to go through all that Haley. It can be so scary when we feel our kids may be in danger. With temps the way they are here in Indiana, there wouldn't have been any reason to really panic, but I don't know the weather where you are.

I'm glad you got it all taken care of though and now you probably need to have your hand looked at. Don't wait too long just in case.
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:55 AM   #5
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oh Janet i'm all bruised up, my whole right side of my arm from trying to push the door in, scratched up from pushing the window back to unlock the door... just sore... i did panick, my husband said why didn't i run next door we live right by the fire department.. how stupid of me,, i just panicked... all i could see was Micah waking up screaming being stuck in the truck.... i just freaked out....
i do need to make a doctors apt. today to get my hand looked at...
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Old 10-20-2008, 05:35 AM   #6
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I'm sure that it did scare you. With Micah being asleep you had time to figure out a solution other than breaking the door. Next time take a few deep breaths and assess your situation.

My daughter, Amy, locked her daughter in the car while she was getting mail. Or, maybe Kera hit the door lock, anyway Amy panicked too. I don't remember how they got her out but it ended up that the window was open on the passenger side!

Get the hand checked if you really think that it's broken and take care of yourself.
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Old 10-20-2008, 05:40 AM   #7
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i know Diana, i just panicked... and it cost me a door .. Mike fixed it for now, but the frame around the window is messed up, i tell you those two pane windows are very hard to break, i had to bust the frame around it...
My hand is very swollen and black and blue, going to call my chiropractor soon, maybe he can x-ray it today....
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Old 10-21-2008, 04:44 PM   #8
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That must have been so scary for you when you realized you were locked out of the truck - how is the hand feeling today?
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Old 10-22-2008, 03:11 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Dobie View Post
That must have been so scary for you when you realized you were locked out of the truck - how is the hand feeling today?
Thanks for asking Dobie its getting better, im just pissed that i have to buy a new door for the basement, the cold air is coming thru the window part of it, my husband tried to fix it, but i guess i busted it pretty bad, were going to Lowes tonight to find a new one, nothing fancy, or expensive, just whatever they have there.... i have to learn to calm down, before i freak out about stuff like this... you bet now i never shut the doors unless i have the keys in my pocket now....
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Old 10-22-2008, 03:41 AM   #10
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Haley, so sorry this happened to you. Please make sure you are okay!!!!

I locked our oldest in the car when she was a baby. I was putting her in her car seat with my keys between my teeth. She reached up and grabbed the keys. I closed the door to walk around to the driver's side and dicovered that I must have hit the lock button without realizing it. It was near noon on a Sunday and I was just leaving church services. I ran into the church building and told others what had happened looking for help. Our preacher ran to the baptistry got a coat hanger and very quickly unlocked my car with a group of church members watching. They gave him a hard time, that he must have a checkered past to be able to open the car so quickly with a hanger. Karen was fine and happy holding onto my keys, but I remember how it felt. It was fall but the weather in Texas was still hot and I was so afraid it would get hot in the car before getting her out. I was about to break a car window, but had nothing around that was strong enough to do it.

Take care, and hope your week goes well!!
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Old 10-22-2008, 04:30 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Marilyn View Post
Haley, so sorry this happened to you. Please make sure you are okay!!!!

I locked our oldest in the car when she was a baby. I was putting her in her car seat with my keys between my teeth. She reached up and grabbed the keys. I closed the door to walk around to the driver's side and dicovered that I must have hit the lock button without realizing it. It was near noon on a Sunday and I was just leaving church services. I ran into the church building and told others what had happened looking for help. Our preacher ran to the baptistry got a coat hanger and very quickly unlocked my car with a group of church members watching. They gave him a hard time, that he must have a checkered past to be able to open the car so quickly with a hanger. Karen was fine and happy holding onto my keys, but I remember how it felt. It was fall but the weather in Texas was still hot and I was so afraid it would get hot in the car before getting her out. I was about to break a car window, but had nothing around that was strong enough to do it.

Take care, and hope your week goes well!!
All i can say marilyn it took my breath away, i really had a panick attack, haven't had one of those in years, i thought i was going to pass out...
your poor priest, im sorry they shouldn't have judge him, everyone has skeletons in there closet i don't care who you are! Thank God he knew how to do that.
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Old 10-22-2008, 08:10 AM   #12
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How is your hand today? I really hope it's not too badly bruised. That sounds so scary!

I can't tell you how many times I have locked my keys in the car. I now carry a spare car key in my bag at all times, and spare house keys in the car!

Stay calm - you will never let Micah suffer!

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Old 10-22-2008, 08:31 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by judy View Post

How is your hand today? I really hope it's not too badly bruised. That sounds so scary!

I can't tell you how many times I have locked my keys in the car. I now carry a spare car key in my bag at all times, and spare house keys in the car!

Stay calm - you will never let Micah suffer!
its getting better everyday, my shoulder is still black and blue, we have to get a new basement door soon the cold air is coming thru it.. i priced some cheap steel doors at lowes for about 140.. im going to see if they have cheaper ones,, its just a basement door, so its not going to be anything fancy...
i didn't even have my bag i was carrying both dogs,, it was just something stupid i did....
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