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Old 11-25-2008, 11:23 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by DianaB View Post
You've done really good because you only use one product for everything!! I'm impressed!!!!
haha when I read everyone else's posts I realized I forgot some stuff.

I use the swiffer wet jet for quick floor cleaning, but the lysol spray for more heavy duty floor cleaning.

I use windox on windows and glass and pledge on wood furniture.

I use Joy dishwashing liquid and (ALWAYS) cascade dishwasher powder (works the best).

I use the Magic eraser by Mr Clean for the shower/tub.

I do seriously think thats it though. I am a clean person but I dont want to spend a gazillion dollars on cleaning supplies, so I find ones that are all purpose. Fly through the house with 4 bottles in my caddy and get it done!
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Old 11-25-2008, 05:21 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Gina View Post
I use my Shark wet mop for floor it steams away the dirt, no soaps just plain water, I use whatever laundry detergent is on sale.

For my granite countertop I was told just plain dish detergent . My tumble marble back splash the same.
Gina, just a question and a comment. I have a steamer, but it's a boiler with a hose and a special floor attachment, but it has a leak on the cap for the steamer, so haven't used it for a while. I saw the Shark wet mops at Bed Bath and Beyond, but was afraid that they did not hold enough water and I'd be refilling it constantly. I had a Dirt Devil floor cleaner and that was the problem with it. Had to fill it a dozen times to do my floors. Can you do quite a bit of area with the Shark?? I'm really interested in it.

Also, I use just plain dish detergent frequently for my everyday cleaning of granite because it's handy, but often and especially for my weekly cleaning I do use the Black Diamond Counter Cleaner for granite and stone. You may want to consider trying it. It makes the granite counter tops really shine, and has such a nice clean scent. I love the stuff. For my tumbled marble back splash, the dish detergent is fine because it's dull anyway, but just wanted to let you know about the Black Diamond. It's a bit pricy, but a gallon lasts quite a long time. You can google it and they do sell small bottles. FYI.
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Old 11-26-2008, 03:17 PM   #33
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My new dresser has a marble top. How should I clean it?

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Old 11-26-2008, 03:58 PM   #34
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Marilyn, the reservoir holder is kind of small, but to be honest I do my kitchen floor , my foyer which is a pretty big area. I also brought it in Bed and Bath, make sure you have your 20 percent coupon lol. It cleans pretty nicely but I have grooves in my ceramic tiles where dirt gets embedded and the shark does not lift it out, I get down on my hands and knees to do that. But in between its pretty good, works great on the wooden floors to. You would be surprised how much dirt accumulates on the mop. The only thing Shark does not do is rugs there are other brands that clean rugs. I have a area rug in my living room and some scattered around the house. I mostly have ceramic and wooden floors throughout. It is lightweight and I find I wash my floors more often now being there is no hassle lugging the mop , and bucket. lol

Marilyn, buy it and don't throw the box or receipt away, if you don't care for it bed and bath takes everything back.

I will buy the Black Diamond for my countertops do you have to buy it online only or do supermarkets carry it?
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Old 11-27-2008, 07:25 AM   #35
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Gina....just curious about your floors. You live where there are cold winters too, so do your floors feel cold? Do you have to raise your thermostat to keep the house warmer? I sooo want to get rid of my carpets, except for my bedroom.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 11-27-2008, 06:02 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Janet View Post
Gina....just curious about your floors. You live where there are cold winters too, so do your floors feel cold? Do you have to raise your thermostat to keep the house warmer? I sooo want to get rid of my carpets, except for my bedroom.
Janet the floors are always cold, I just wear slippers all the time. I have forced hot air system and I hate it , my house always feels cold . I have to put the thermostat higher. When I lived in Bklyn I had old fashion radiators and oil heat and it was a pleasure.

I have shown houses that have radiant heat underneath the tiles, at the time some builders put that in it was a smart idea...
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Old 11-27-2008, 06:26 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by judy View Post
My new dresser has a marble top. How should I clean it?
Judy, here's a link that may help you.

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Old 11-28-2008, 04:25 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Gina View Post
Janet the floors are always cold, I just wear slippers all the time. I have forced hot air system and I hate it , my house always feels cold . I have to put the thermostat higher. When I lived in Bklyn I had old fashion radiators and oil heat and it was a pleasure.

I have shown houses that have radiant heat underneath the tiles, at the time some builders put that in it was a smart idea...

I usually have some kind of slipper on anyway. I have been wanting hardwood floors for sooo long. I know I shouldn't even be thinking about it right now with Rick out of work, but I'm seriously looking at them now.

I have my friends little 2 lb 14 oz Yorkie and even though she is suppose to be pad trained, she has gone a few times on my carpet. I'm not going to have that. I know it's a very small spot, but I don't like pee in my carpet....does anyone????...LOLOL

I'm not sure what you call our heat, but it is electric and has a heat pump. If you put your hands over the registers, it feels cool. My Mom is always cold when she comes out so she always has a sweater. I'm wanting Rick to check out the wood furnaces that you keep outside and hook up to the blower unit (I think) so the heat will come through all the registers. Right now, with our fireplace insert, the family room gets really warm and the back half (on the other side of the thermostat) stays cooler.

We need to figure out something, but getting his butt motivated is hard. I always have to do everything! Guess I'd better quit this post or it will turn into a vent...LOL
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1

Last edited by Janet; 11-28-2008 at 04:29 AM.
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Old 11-28-2008, 10:47 AM   #39
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Janet I am sorry I think I misunderstood you.. Hardwood floors are not cold, I was referring to my ceramic tiles.. Like I mentioned before I always wear a slipper . The hardwood floors are really nice and easy to upkeep. I was lucky when I brought my home there were all hardwood floors all we had to do is hire someone to scrape them and varnish . When you get a few dollars on the side do it.

Last edited by Gina; 11-28-2008 at 10:50 AM.
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Old 11-30-2008, 05:50 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Gina View Post
Marilyn, the reservoir holder is kind of small, but to be honest I do my kitchen floor , my foyer which is a pretty big area. I also brought it in Bed and Bath, make sure you have your 20 percent coupon lol. It cleans pretty nicely but I have grooves in my ceramic tiles where dirt gets embedded and the shark does not lift it out, I get down on my hands and knees to do that. But in between its pretty good, works great on the wooden floors to. You would be surprised how much dirt accumulates on the mop. The only thing Shark does not do is rugs there are other brands that clean rugs. I have a area rug in my living room and some scattered around the house. I mostly have ceramic and wooden floors throughout. It is lightweight and I find I wash my floors more often now being there is no hassle lugging the mop , and bucket. lol

Marilyn, buy it and don't throw the box or receipt away, if you don't care for it bed and bath takes everything back.

I will buy the Black Diamond for my countertops do you have to buy it online only or do supermarkets carry it?
Gina, thank you so much for the information. I may do as you suggest and try it. My steamer does floors and carpets, but it's a boiler with hoses you have to drag around and I need to order a new cap for it since the one I have is leaking and blowing steam. Not sure what to do. Will think about it. I do have a coupon and gift card to BB&B.

I haven't found Black Diamond in any stores. Some stone countertop suppliers probably carry it, but haven't found any around here. I just buy it online from here: http://www.bdstoneworks.com/specs.htm

I just googled it, and here are the results: http://www.google.com/search?q=Black...e7&rlz=1I7GGIC

Looks like lots more people are carrying it now. It mentions Ace True Value Hardware stores. There's one in the town where I work, I may have to see of they are carrying it. Years ago, when we had our first granite and marble counters, I did lots of research and decided that the Black Diamond was what I wanted to try, and like it so much I stayed with it. I even use it to clean up messes on my ceramic tile floors. I buy it by the gallon and refill my spray bottle.
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Old 11-30-2008, 03:20 PM   #41
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I find the hard floors don't keep the house as warm as the carpet, but I also do not like pee on my rugs.

I really want a pellet stove. Maybe next winter. Right now I'm using the kerosene Monitor, and it does a very good job. The electric heat didn't warm the house up as well.

I got a roomba for the laminate floors. It does a good job of vacuuming. I let it loose in the great room and it does it's thing and then I put it away. I still have to wash the floors, and I must dry them or they streak. I think it will be much easier when they finish working on the house. I'll give the floors a really thorough cleaning and then I don't think I'll have to wash them more them once or twice a week.

I don't recommend dark, glossy laminate though. They're too much work because they streak.

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