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Old 02-13-2009, 03:27 PM   #1
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Bad weather coming!

Here I was sick the first of the week and worried I wouldn't get over it in time to go to the Dog Show on Saturday and now the weather guy is calling for a snow mix, accumulating an inch or so on that day. I can always go on Sunday...but Lynne and I would really rather go on Sat. I was kind of hoping snow was gone until next year. I know...it's not spring yet....I was just hoping.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-17-2009, 04:50 AM   #2
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I'm hoping for spring to Janet, i am so sick of this snow, and Micah being sick all the time, he was so sick Saturday morning around 1 am, i was up giving him a cool bath trying to get his fever down, and the winds were still high, and he was in the tub and the damn power went out, i hurried up and grabbed him and grabbed a flash light and was looking for candles, couldn't get mike up he is useless anymore they have him working 7 days a week, but im not bitching with all the crap there doing to me at work... just want to go outside take walks again and enjoy the days instead of being in the house all the time...
Hurry up spring !!!!!!!
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Old 02-17-2009, 08:08 AM   #3
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I know Haley...I'm so anxious to be outside. I'm feeling too cooped up or something. The temps here are suppose to drop down into the teens this week for the lows. I'm trying so hard to be patient, but I need warm sunshine.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-17-2009, 08:17 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Janet View Post
I know Haley...I'm so anxious to be outside. I'm feeling too cooped up or something. The temps here are suppose to drop down into the teens this week for the lows. I'm trying so hard to be patient, but I need warm sunshine.
i have no more patients, if i wasn't working right now, i would be at the nearest bar, the way i'm feeling,,, i just want to rip peoples heads off lately, i think i need to see a doctor about these feelings...
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Old 02-21-2009, 10:20 AM   #5
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Haley, I do have to say that I agree with you about seeing a Dr. If you're feeling how you're posting.....it makes me sad. Your posts lately sound so angry. I hate that you're feeling this way. You were always so bubbly in your posts and well...I just don't want you to be so angry, it won't make things better. I know things are bad and bad for a lot of people. We just have to remember our blessings....truly remember them. Try at least once an hour to think of something positive and push the negative thoughts from your mind. Time goes way too fast to spend it so angry. Show Micah that there is happiness and good things in all situations. Love ya!!
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-21-2009, 10:23 AM   #6
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The snow has come, but it brought with it rain and sleet. The wind is blowing so hard and the snow/sleet feels like nails being thrown at you. I'm afraid it will last for a few days because the temps will be in the teens and 20's, but come Thursday....the high is suppose to be 52 degrees. YAY!!! I'm not wishing time away of course, but looking forward to the temps on Thursday.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-23-2009, 11:31 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Janet View Post
Haley, I do have to say that I agree with you about seeing a Dr. If you're feeling how you're posting.....it makes me sad. Your posts lately sound so angry. I hate that you're feeling this way. You were always so bubbly in your posts and well...I just don't want you to be so angry, it won't make things better. I know things are bad and bad for a lot of people. We just have to remember our blessings....truly remember them. Try at least once an hour to think of something positive and push the negative thoughts from your mind. Time goes way too fast to spend it so angry. Show Micah that there is happiness and good things in all situations. Love ya!!
I know janet and i am angry, i worked Hard jobs all my life, and everything is gone, my hopes for the future are also gone, we were looking for a bigger house to buy this summer and move back to my home town, my 401 K is gone,, my workdays have been cut, my salary is now being tapped, there not matching my 401 K anymore, just sitting here waiting to get laid off.. yes its very depressing, maybe i just shouldn' t post on here anymore, cause alot of people are very blind as to what is going on in this world. sorry about my post lately, just wanted someone to prove me wrong... but no one on here wants to talk about it.. except for maybe Marilyn... i'm just not a bubbly person anymore, filled with angry right now. I'm trying to count my blessings, trying to turn to God in this bad time. but everytime you turn around just more bad news... just sick of it...
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Old 02-23-2009, 11:56 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by HALEY View Post
I know janet and i am angry, i worked Hard jobs all my life, and everything is gone, my hopes for the future are also gone, we were looking for a bigger house to buy this summer and move back to my home town, my 401 K is gone,, my workdays have been cut, my salary is now being tapped, there not matching my 401 K anymore, just sitting here waiting to get laid off.. yes its very depressing, maybe i just shouldn' t post on here anymore, cause alot of people are very blind as to what is going on in this world. sorry about my post lately, just wanted someone to prove me wrong... but no one on here wants to talk about it.. except for maybe Marilyn... i'm just not a bubbly person anymore, filled with angry right now. I'm trying to count my blessings, trying to turn to God in this bad time. but everytime you turn around just more bad news... just sick of it...
Haley please don't stop posting. I know how you feel, I'm waiting for my pink slip as well. I'm not angry I'm just resigned, what will be will be. But I don't have a small child to worry about. I know how hard times are right now & it's hard not to get angry because we have no control. Try to be strong for Micah & remember God has a plan for your life & this country.
Maybe get a resume together & start circulating it, it might give you some sense of control that you're trying to take action. I need to do this myself, i'm just scared. I've never been together a resume in my adult life, so it's hard.
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Old 02-23-2009, 02:36 PM   #9
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Haley, please don't ever stop posting here. We want you to be able to vent....it just makes me sad things are so bad for you. I wish there was some way I could help. I just want you to be happy again and I know that is probably unrealistic at this time.

I don't talk about it only because I refuse to let it get me down. I'm one of those that won't go down without a fight....lol. I'm not going to let it be on my mind all the time. We're always here for you Haley so if you need to vent....please vent. And Haley, there is nothing for you to apologize for, we can't always help the way we feel. Just know we're here for you and wish the best for you.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 02-24-2009, 08:36 AM   #10
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Please don't quit posting about your work. It's the only way I have of knowing what's going on out there. With my husband being a farmer and self-employed it really hasn't hit us. I've heard that there are people in a nearby town that have been laid off but most of the people I know have had their jobs cut back or they've been moved to a different area of their company. You have it much worse than we do here. I think that it's going to hit us as well, it's just going to take a while because we don't have a lot of industry here.

I know that you've worked hard not only at your job but also on your home and I hate that your plans are falling through. You've made some really wise choices in the past such as getting your bills and credit cards paid off and you're going to be really glad that you did. I don't like for any of my friends on here to have problems and be upset and I'll tell you that I do worry about you and your situation.
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Old 02-25-2009, 08:35 AM   #11
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Haley, You vent your heart out here ! My heart goes out to you.

Sometimes getting very angry at a bad situation is healthy. Then you work it through, and the anger just seems to let go.

I would worry that seeing a doctor for meds might interfere with this process. On the other hand, if you feel it's taking too long, or you can't work your way through the anger, maybe you should see a doctor. You'll know what to do.

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