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Old 10-17-2006, 10:48 AM   #1
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Japanese Recipes

Japanese Recipes

Also known as gyoza.
24 wonton skins
300 g lean ground beef
2 tbsp fresh grated ginger root
2 tbsp finely chopped green onion
1 tbsp soy sauce
½ tsp sugar
1½ tbsp sesame oil
2½ tbsp corn starch
2 tbsp green peas

Mix ginger root, onion, soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil and corn starch and add the mix to the lean ground beef. Stir and mix well until the mixture becomes sticky. Divide into 22-24 fillings and place on the center of the wonton skins. Forn the wonton skins into "bowls" with flat bottoms. Place a geen pea on the center of the filling. Steam 12-14 minutes over high heat.

The skins may also be seald in shaped into "half moons". Deep-fry in oil (180°C) until golden.
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Oyako Donburi
serves 4
1/2 lb raw chicken cut from bone (1 large breast)
5 eggs
1 c water
3 dried mushrooms
1/4 c sugar
1/3 c Japanese-type soy sauce
2 scallions, cut diagonally or one onion, sliced
2 c chopped fresh spinach

Cut chicken into small pieces. Beat in a bowl the eggs. Dust chicken pieces with flour, dip in beaten egg (reserve extra), and fry on both sides in hot oil until brown. Combine in saucepan the water and mushrooms. Simmer 10 minutes,
remove mushrooms, and cut fine. Drain any excess oil from skillet. Add to skillet the mushrooms and liquid, sugar and soy. Simmer 15 minutes. Add scallions. Simmer 10 more minutes. Add spinach.

While spinach is still bright green, add reserved beaten eggs to skillet and cover. Cook briefly, just until set. Ladle over individual rice servings in bowls and top with chopped parsley.

* 3 packages yakisoba noodles
* 1 carrot
* 1/4 of a small cabbage
* 1/4 pound pork
* 1/3 cup yakisoba sauce
*or seasoning packages which come with yakisoba noodles
* Beni-shoga (red ginger)
* Ao-nori (green seaweed)

How to Cook:
1. Cut the cabbage, carrot, and pork into bite sizes.
2. Saute cabbage, carrot, and pork in a large frying pan.
3. Add yakisoba noodles in the pan.
4. Put 1/2 cup of water in the pan and cover it with a lid.
5. Take the lid off and add yakisoba seasoning mix or yakisoba sauce.
6. Stir the noodles well and fry them for a few minutes.
7. Sprinkle aonori, and beni-shoga over the noodles before serving.
*Makes 4 servings
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Common Ingredients for Tempura:
Shrimp / Squid / Green pepper / Eggplant / Sweet potato / Potato / Cabocha (Japanese
pumpkin) / Carrot / Shiitake Mushrooms / Renkon (lotus roots)

Basic Steps for Cooking Tempura:
1. Prepare the ingredients. (Cut into 3/4 inch in thickness. *See Tip 5 and 6)
2. Make tempura batter.
3. Heat vegetable oil in a deep pan to 340-350F degree. (*See Tip 4)
4. Lightly dip ingredients in the batter and immediately fry them until brown. It takes longer to fry vegetables than to fry seafood.
5. Drain tempura on a rack.
6. Serve right away with tentsuyu (tempura dipping sauce) or salt. Tempura is best served hot. *Grated daikon radish is a common condiment.

Tips for Making Crispy Tempura:
Tip 1: Ice
Use ice water for the batter. This is really important to prevent the batter from absorbing too much oil. (Do not make the batter ahead of time.)
Tip 2: Batter
Try not to over mix the batter and not to coat ingredients with the batter too much.
Tip 3: Frying Order
If you are frying both seafood and vegetables, fry vegetables first. Then, fry seafood. Fry vegetables at 340F degree and fry seafood at 350F degree.
Tip 4: Oil Temperature
To check the temperature of frying oil, drop a little batter into the oil. If the batter comes up right away instead of sinking to the bottom of the pan, it's about 360 F degree. If the batter goes halfway to the bottom and comes up, it's about 340F degree. This is said to be the right temperature to fry tempura.
Tip 5: Shrimp
Make a couple incisions on the stomach side of each shrimp so that it stays straight. Then, pick it up by the tail and dip the body part in the batter. ( Tempura Shrimp Recipe)
Tip 6: Squid
Remove the thin skin and lightly flour it before dipping in tempura batter so that it won't splash much.
Tempura Variations:
* Kakiage is round mixed tempura. To make kakiage, mix left over tempura batter and thin strips or small pieces of several ingredients together. Take a scoop of the ingredients in a large spoon and slip them to 340F degree oil. Make kakiage into your favorite size.
(Scallop Kakiage Recipe)
* Ten-don (Tempura Rice Bowl): Serve hot Japanese rice in a bowl. Dip tempura
lightly in tentsuyu sauce. Place the tempura on top of rice.
* Tempura Udon/ Tempura Soba: Boil udon noodles/soba noodles (the boiling time
varies depending on the types of noodles) and drain. Heat men-tsuyu in a pan and add the udon/soba noodles. Serve the udon/soba noodle soup in a bowl. Place tempura on top of the noodle soup.

(tempura dipping sauce)
* 2 cup dashi soup stock
* 1/2 cup mirin
* 1/2 cup soy sauce
* 1 tbsp sugar
How to Cook:
* Mix all ingredients in a pan.
* Put the pan on high heat and bring the sauce to a boil.
* Cool the sauce.
Basic Tempura Batter
* 1 egg
* 1 cup ice water
* 1 cup all purpose flour

How to Cook:
* Beat an egg in a bowl.
* Add ice water in the bowl.
* Add flour in the bowl and mix lightly.
*Makes 4 servings
**Be sure to use very cold water.
*** Do not overmix the batter.

Tempura Shrimp
* 12 large shrimps
* 1 egg
* 1 cup ice water
* 1 cup all purpose flour
* Vegetable oil for frying

How to Cook:
* Peel shrimp and make a couple incisions on the stomach side so that it stays straight.
* Beat an egg in a bowl.
* Add ice water in the bowl.
* Add flour in the bowl and mix lightly.
* Heat oil to 350 F degree in a deep pan.
* Pick shrimp up by the tail and dip the body part in the batter.
* Fry it until brown.
*Makes 4 servings
**Be sure to use very cold water.
*** Do not overmix the batter.
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Fried Rice
* 2 cups cooked Japanese rice (*left over rice is the best)
* 1/4 cup chopped onion
* 1/4 cup chopped carrot
* 1/4 cup chopped green pepper
* 1/3 cup diced ham
* 2 eggs
* 1/2 tsp garlic salt
* 1 tsp chicken bouillon
* 2 tbsp soy sauce
* 2 tsp vegetable oil

How to Cook:
1. Put a wok or a pan on high heat.
2. Add oil to the pan.
3. Wisk the eggs in a small bowl.
4. Put the eggs in the heated pan and scramble very quickly.
5. Stop the heat and remove the scrambled eggs from the pan into a dish.
6. Put the pan on high heat and add more oil.
7. Saute vegetables and ham until soft.
8. Add garlic salt and chicken bouillon.
9. Add rice and stir well.
10. Add the scrambled egg that was cooked earlier to the rice mixture and mix together.
11. Turn the heat down to low, add soy sauce and stir quickly.
12. Stop the heat right away and serve.
*Makes 2 servings
Cooking Plain Rice
* 2 cups raw Japanese-style rice (Kome)
* 2 1/2 cups water

How to Cook:
1. Put the rice in a bowl and wash it with cold water.
2. Repeat washing until the water becomes clear.
3. Drain the rice in a colander and set aside.
4. Place the rice in a pan or rice cooker and add water.
5. The amount of water used is just a little more than the amount of rice.
6. Let the rice soak in the water at least 30 min. One hour is ideal.
7. *If you are cooking the rice in a pan, cover the pan with a lid and bring to a boil with hight heat.
8. Turn the heat down very low and cook about 15-20 min. until the water is almost gone.
9. Remove the pan from the heat and let it steam for 10-15 min before serving.
*If you are using an electric rice cooker, you don't have to worry about adjusting the heat. You still need to let the cooked rice steam before you open the lid.
** Makes 4 servings.

Last edited by Newsbot; 10-17-2006 at 10:51 AM.
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Old 10-17-2006, 12:03 PM   #2
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HOLY MOSES!!! Japanese food is some of my FAVORITE! Especially, hibachi style! YUMMMY!!!!!!! Printing these out for future reference!
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Old 10-17-2006, 12:12 PM   #3
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That sounds complicated ... i'll be grocerie shopping for hours just to try find the ingredients!!
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Old 10-19-2006, 08:31 AM   #4
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I could never do this....I hate cooking and this is just way too much work and shopping....LOL Can you get it in a box? LOLOL How about Japanese Helper????
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Old 10-24-2006, 01:27 PM   #5
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I truly do love and enjoy cooking. But in all my years of doing so I have never mastered cooking oriental food. I truly suck at it.

So, in regards to these recipe's, thanks but I am heading to Sho-Gun restaurant. They have awesome Japanese cuisine and they are so much better at cooking it than I. And they have awesome sushi w/ wasabi. Oh YUMMY!!!!!!
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
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Old 10-24-2006, 03:13 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by rivermom
I truly do love and enjoy cooking. But in all my years of doing so I have never mastered cooking oriental food. I truly suck at it.

So, in regards to these recipe's, thanks but I am heading to Sho-Gun restaurant. They have awesome Japanese cuisine and they are so much better at cooking it than I. And they have awesome sushi w/ wasabi. Oh YUMMY!!!!!!
We have a Sho-Gun here in Tucson that my boyfriend and I go to twice a week or so. They have awesome food! He likes the sushi... I can't handle sushi, so I just get the teriyaki chicken!
Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies.
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