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Old 09-15-2009, 06:47 PM   #1
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Travel vs Doggies

I have a decision to make and it's tearing me up inside:

Hubby and I have pretty much realized that if we are ever able to retire, we probably won't be physically or mentally able to travel, so we want to start traveling (short local trips) now while we can.

That means, I need to find homes for my Yorkies. I haven't gotten too attached to the two girls my Sister gave me last year (Sweetee and Libbee). But, Yahtzee was my first, so I can't let her go. Then, Yankee is my little boy, so he's special. And, Fancee was my first puppy and she's my shadow. Of course, Tira (the ShihTzu) is my heart, so she's not even questioned.

What the heck do I do? I want to travel. I want to visit my family and friends while I can. Jeff has his farm going, so he can't live his animals to come visit us very often. He drove in for the wedding and drove back home. I can't drag 6 doggies everywhere I go. Laura has helped me (when she was available) and I've paid a couple of people to come care for them when my Mom was sick. I don't see the feasibility of putting them in a kennel everytime I want to make a trip.

My doggies are so therapeutic for me and they are so much entertainment and pleasure. This isn't a decision I'm making lightly. It has been on the burner since I broke my foot (almost two years ago) and couldn't care for them for almost five months.

There, I've posted it! Now, it's more of a reality to deal with.
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Old 09-15-2009, 07:17 PM   #2
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Even if you could rehome a few of them it would help. You're so right...dogs tie you down. You do need to spend time with your husband taking trips, and it would be SO much easier with just a couple of dogs. Don't feel guilty about it! I'm sure you could find wonderful homes for them, where they could get lots of love and attention. Unfortunately, none of us are getting any younger

We have a great dane and a mi-ki. We can leave the big guy in the back yard, and my brother checks on him...he lives across the street. We take little Layni with us, or my dear friend keeps her for me. It's much easier to make arrangements for just the 2 of them.
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Old 09-15-2009, 07:31 PM   #3
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Sandy, you are so right, you need to be traveling now! And I agree with Betsi, having two is a lot easier than SIX! Sandy, that is one of the main reasons why we have a travel trailer, so we can take our two boys with us. It works out really well when we visit family/friends or take trips to the river fishing, and camping. If it is OK to take our boys to our friends/families homes, we do. But if not feasible, then we can leave them in the trailer while we visit. We had a big trailer but it was too much for us. We sold it and took one trip staying in a hotel that allowed pets - but it was too much of a hassle. They wanted to bark at strange noises, and I was sooooo worried when we had to leave them, that someone (housekeeping) would steal them. So, we bought another little trailer.

I completely agree that you need to travel NOW. Gary and I bought our first trailer 12 years ago, when we were 45 and 48. I am so glad we started traveling then because we have had some great times togehter, and now that Gary's health is so fragile, we just never know when a trip may be our last.

When we take a big trip to Alaska, for example, our daughter keeps them. We only do that once in a while, but there are times when they just can't go. Even boarding 2-3 dogs would be OK occasionally - but I can see that 6 would be problematic.

Good luck with your decision, it isn't an easy one, I know.
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Old 09-16-2009, 08:22 AM   #4
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Sandy...I understand completely. I have 6 also.....5 Yorkies and 1 Golden Retriever. I have seriously been thinking of not breeding anymore and downsizing, but it's so hard when I love them so much. Oh...I could easliy let Gidget go, but she's basically Ricky's, so I told Ricky when he moved out...she goes with him.

I want to go places without worrying about the dogs. I would really love to have a motorhome. Not one of those great big buses, but a nice med. size motorhome. I want to go visit Diana so bad, but it's going to be a while with all the other outside interference going on right now.

I'm so like you in the fact that I'm ready to do some short trips now while I still feel good. What are we to do? There is no way I could be without my little Joey and now Ozzie. I just love them sooooo much. Emilee has been here the longest and I would feel like I was abandoning her and Fancy...she's just so shy with other people...I don't want her feelings hurt.

I think I could take most of them with me if I just had a motorhome.....now I just need to figure out how to afford one.
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Old 09-16-2009, 09:58 AM   #5
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Harold and I have talked about getting a camper, too. I've been losing lots of sleep trying to figure all this out. Even with a camper and six doggies that weigh around 35#s, I don't see how I'd be able to take them potty and properly care for them on the road, with no fences, etc. My sister and my son both have big dogs, so I'd be afraid to take them when I visit.

We had an awful time when we evacuated for Hurricane Rita, 3 years ago. Dogs were wet and stinky with no electricity, no AC, no running water (well pump). Harold's truck still stinks from the trip back home.

I think I'll re-home Libbee and Sweetee for now and see how I do with four. But, I'm pretty sure I'll need to let Yankee and Fancee go. Yankee is a yapper, when anything's out of his norm. Fancee's so clingy and freaks out if she can see me and not be up under me.

And, I still have the four puppies. I had 6 or 7 people on my waiting list and they have all flaked out, except a lady who supposed wants both the two younger boys. We'll see if she takes them.

Yahtzee is too fat and will be 5yo in November, so I won't breed her again. I started her on light food yesterday. Fancee's last litter really drained her, causing her hair to start thinning and falling out in patches. The Vet recommended that she not have more puppies and she's only 3yo.
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Old 09-16-2009, 10:06 AM   #6
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It sounds like you have a good plan Sandy. I know it won't be easy, but you can do it!
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Old 09-16-2009, 10:13 AM   #7
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Sandy, I know it must be very hard to make this decision. We only have two, and they both travel pretty well. We have stayed in a hotel with them before, but like Gayle, I'm afraid when we leave them alone that housekeeping will take them. We put the "do not disturb" sign on the door and have done pretty well. When Zoe was just a tiny puppy, we took her with us to Taos, NM skiing and stayed in a small hotel. The owner knew she was there and made sure no one went in the room, but it's hard to travel this way, and 6 would never work.

Rehoming some and perhaps getting a travel trailer sounds like the best solution. We have a travel trailer, but have not made a trip in it, yet. We hope to next summer.

We love to travel and would do much more if I got more time off from work, but we've all been over that subject before.

So hope this all works out well for you!!!
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Old 09-16-2009, 12:23 PM   #8
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I know it will work out, but I'm afraid it will be one of those things I regret doing, after it's done!

I have several friends who would keep a couple at a time, but I'd never ask anybody to keep them all at once.

I plan to start asking around this weekend, sending emails to friends and co-workers.
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Old 09-16-2009, 02:01 PM   #9
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Three might not be too many. Fancee may not adjust well if she's so attached to you. Although, they say that dogs are fickle. When we are gone, they often act with other people just like they do with us. Zoe and Chase did fine with Melissa while we were gone on our cruise.
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Old 09-16-2009, 05:08 PM   #10
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Sandy, you are right, it would be very difficult to manage 6 in a travel trailer or motor home, although i see people on the yorkie boards who do it - but I don't know how. i can manage two, but I'm not sure I would want to handle 3 on leashes.

A wise friend once said to me, think, "Will I be better off if I do this - or not"? That might be one way to think of it.
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