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Old 03-05-2013, 07:26 AM   #2866
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Last Saturday I had a bad case of the stomach bug. I felt so awful and literally lost 6 lbs. I was losing nothing but pure liquid for a full 24 hours. So glad to have all that behind me now. Now I just have the aches in my ribs and back muscles from heaving so much. It's much better also.

I've been having daydreams of getting things done around here. Hoping to simplify and sell things that just are no longer needed. Tired of storing things that I will never use again. I was hoping to do something really fun on Spring Break, but I may start going through everything really good, starting with the attic.

Ricky is still seeing 'her'. Guess I have to accept it, but I can't help it if I don't like her. It's not that I would feel that way about anyone he brought home, I want him to have someone, but I just don't care for her at all and the more I find out about her family...doesn't help. I don't want to lose my son, but it's time he moved out so I don't know what goes on all the time. It's not good for me or my health.

Been a bit since I posted much so not sure if I told you all or not, but it's happened 5 times. I get woke up between 4:30 and 5:30 with Mom saying...'Janet' in such a tone as to wake me up. Kind of a yell, but not as loud. It's her voice for sure and even a kind of smell. Depending on which side I'm laying, it feels like she's right at my ear. Not sure what to think of it. Never had this many experiences when I lost my Dad. I'm not frightened or anything like that, but it wakes me up with such a start like she's waking me up for work or something. So strange.

We are suppose to get 5-8 inches of snow this afternoon and tonight. Don't know if we will or not, but the weathermen say it's gonna happen. Then we are suppose to get up into the 50's over the weekend...lol. There is a nice flea market type thing I would like to go to on Saturday. So hopefully even with some snow on the ground it will still feel warmer.

I'm still sending out resumes, but not hearing much back. I'm trying for just about anything now in part-time and full-time. Not giving up, just praying more.

Hope all of you are doing great, I miss the way this place use to be so busy with all our activity. I see most of you on FB, but it's not the same as here. I miss you all and our closeness.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 03-05-2013, 08:54 AM   #2867
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I know how you feel about missing everyone. I know that I've been bad about being on here. It seems that I just get so overwhelmed by what's been going on that I just can't use my brain to write out anything. Hopefully things will get better now that Dae Lynn's divorced and she has guardianship of Karlie.

That's odd that you hear your Mother yell your name!! My Grandmother used to watch the PTL Club and one morning she was over sleeping and she heard her name called. She thought that God was telling her to get up so she wouldn't miss her show.

I'm so glad that you're better. I knew that you were sick but didn't know that you were THAT sick! We prayed for you in my little Sunday School class!!

Our snow is almost gone.....again it was here longer than it was every other place. I guess it's because my yard is pretty shady. Send some of the snow here.....you know how much I love it!!

I don't know what to tell you about Ricky's girlfriend. What I would do is.......if God thinks that she is not the girl for him that He would remove her from his life. That's what I would be praying.

Today is Dean's third birthday!! Dae Lynn made a cake and brought out ice cream for after school so we can have a small party!! She'll have a bigger party later because Karlie's birthday is just a few days away and she'll combine them. I think that we're going to give her some money to buy a trampoline. The kids will enjoy that. Our kids always had one while they grew up.

Not much else going on. I've got to clean the house because the girls are having a jewelry party here on Saturday. The pressure to get it done is always good for me!! I've been so tired lately so this will help me get moving!

The girls and I are going to "weigh in" today and start dieting. I bought some new digital scales that seem to be pretty accurate. I don't know if I'm ready for this or not but I need to do it so.......I guess I'm ready!!! I may have to start tomorrow.........after Dean's ice cream and cake!! LOL
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 03-06-2013, 09:25 AM   #2868
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We had a little birthday party for Dean last night. Dae Lynn let the kids make little pizzas out of biscuits and we had cake and ice cream! Dae Lynn let Karlie pick out a gift for Dean and it was definitely too old for him and that was his only gift to open. We're giving money towards a trampoline, but I'm thinking that he needs a gift to open too!! So I may go shopping and pick a little something out.

Glen's been selling corn and this morning he's taken Dean with him. There's nothing he likes more than to be with his Papa!!!

We have the Alley tonight. Amy has divided the kids into 4 groups and they are working on a talent for a talent show. It was suppose to be last week but because of the weather it was canceled. The program will be next week and shoud be a lot of fun!!

Well......I'll be cleaning today......BUMMER!!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 03-08-2013, 09:23 AM   #2869
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Yesterday I went and had lunch with a friend, Rita. We meet every so often for lunch and visit. Oh....and I had Dean with me. Then Dean and went to Alco and bought a birthday gift for him. I felt so bad that he didn't get much in the way of presents on his birthday so together we picked out what he wanted. He's so cute!! He's at the age that he wants everything!! We ended up getting a Batman car that the headlights light up and it shoots out disks. Then we bought Spiderman and villian figurines to go with Batman. He's so into super heros!!

I got the utility room cleaned. Yay!! One room down......and more to go!! Remember I have a jewelry party here on Saturday! Actually I've cleaned several rooms but Dean has messed them up faster than I can clean so I need to go back and work on them again.

Dae Lynn goes to court this morning to get her PFA (protection from abuse) order. It should go pretty easy since he's pled guilty for the abuse. Everything is getting done and very easily. Praise God!! I'll be glad when all of this is behind us.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 03-09-2013, 06:14 AM   #2870
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On Thursday I still had 4 students (but only 3 stops) to finish up on my afternoon route when going down this gravel road I got stuck and the transmission overheated. The gravel roads here are like mud. Of a morning they are not too bad because they are frozen, but in the afternoon....so horrible.

I ended up with a county payloader pulling me out to the nearest crossroad (about half a mile) and then my transportation director towed me back to the bus garage. Wow...the mud was almost up to the axle on the rear tires. I knew that road was getting softer, but the county worker told me that someone went down the road the night before and tried to grade it and dug up way to much road which made it worse....so I sunk. Usually I'm home by 4, but didn't get home until right at 6:00 PM.

Sunday and Monday we are suppose to get 1-2 inches of rain, so I may not be able to pick up a few students. Their parents will have to take them. Right now I'm in a different bus while mine is in the transmission shop in Indianapolis. Hopefully it won't take them too long to get it back to me.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 03-10-2013, 06:05 PM   #2871
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I bet that was so fustrating!! I understand what you're saying about the roads because ours are the same way. We have road grader men who are not experienced and do an awful job. Jaci's roads north of town are in so much better shape than ours are.

The girls had their jewelry party last night. They had a lot of people show up and we pretty much ended up with a pretty good party!! The women bought over a thousand dollars worth of jewelry and Amy and Jaci ended up with $400 dollars of jewelry......plus 8 half price items and three items under $50 for $10 each!! They gave me a piece of jewelry free and a $10 item for having it at my house. I was happy because they were the only items that I was interested in.

We stayed up so late and I've been up so late several nights this week that I'm totally wiped out. I've got to start getting to be on time or I'm afraid that I'll get sick with something.

Dae Lynn and Karlie went to Garden City, Kansas, to their last Jr. Bible Quiz meet for the year. Karlie ended up with first place in the meet yesterday.......and got a metal for first place overall!!! The Fredonia team got first place and was undefeated for the year!! Another little girl on the team, Madelyn, got second place overall, and Kellen, the boy on the team, got fifth place over all!! The kids have a list of almost 300 questions that they have to memorize about the Bible. A few of the questions have to be quoted word for word......and if they buzz in on the question early then they not only have to answer the question but finish the question. Karlie is soooo smart that she really didn't have to study too hard to learn the questions!! She is pretty amazing when she wants to be!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 03-14-2013, 01:44 PM   #2872
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I am having such a hard time adjusting to this time change. I'm so ready for my body to get adjusted. I'm so tired!!

Today is such a beautiful day!! I'm going to go outside and see if I have anything coming up. I really doubt it because the chickens have scratched up my whole yard. I'll be surprised if there's ANY grass....it's that bad. Glen's building a large chicken coop so the chickens will be coraled......but the question is if he'll leave them there or eventaully let them back out.

At the Alley last night we had a talent night. The kids were divided up into groups and each group put on a skit. It was really cute! A few kids had individual talents. Then at the end several of the adults did a "syncronized air swimming"!! It was hilarious!! Amy, Glen, and Jaci were all in it with a couple of others. I laughed and laughed! I'll keep an eye out in case a video of it is posted!!

With most of the court dates done with (except for a couple more) things have really quieted down. It's been a really nice change!!

Our cruise is getting closer.......and I'm getting more excited!! I've been looking for a swimsuit. The ones I had last year are too little.....bummer!! Oh....and Amy, Dae Lynn, and I are dieting again!! I bought new scales and they work so good!! So we're weighing in each Tuesday. I'm down a little, Amy too, but Dae Lynn's lost a couple of pounds. I need to get moving and that will help.

I hope that everyone is out enjoying this beautful weather because it sure is quiet on here!!! Miss all of you!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 03-15-2013, 05:29 AM   #2873
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I'm not doing real well with the time change either Diana. The time change has never bothered me before, but this time...wow! It's so hard for me to wake up and get moving! I've been taking a nap everyday this week and that is soooo not like me.

The weather is suppose to be decent today, I just hope we have some sunshine. In desperate need ..

Our gray and white cat Skeeter has learned to open the bedroom door. During the day the two cats are kept in Ricky's bedroom. I don't want them in my plants and knocking over things and leaving cat hair everywhere. Skeeter will be a year old soon and is still so curious about everything. Kitty is content just looking out the big picture window in the the living room. We do let them out in the evening, but we have to keep an eye on Skeeter. He's so smart and just a love bug. It is really time for Ricky to move out on his own and take the cats and 2 dogs with him.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 03-16-2013, 07:18 AM   #2874
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We had a couple of beautiful days!! Yesterday Dae Lynn was off work so she and the kids came out and dug up some irises. I have several colors so we got a pretty good selection. Then we went to her house and planted then in her yard. She's so excited about getting some flowers planted in her OWN yard!! However she doesn't have much money to buy things so we're going to look for "free" plants!! It will be fun!!

One of the houses that they were going to buy had beautiful flowers all around the edges. She's talked to the woman that planted them to find out what all she used so I think that we're going for that look!!

Then when we got done we ordered pizza and stuff for supper. It was a nice evening!!

Today's not nearly as nice......back in the 50's. Oh well, spring is coming!!

I bet that you're enjoying your cats! How cute (but irritating as the same time) that they're able to open the doors!!

I don't know if I've ever mentioned that I had a pet raccoon when I was a teenager. We had the old fashioned screen doors and she could put her hands underneath of the door and open it. One time she came in while we were gone and when my brother and cousin went into my room she was under the bed playing with the fringe of my bedspread.......and scared them half-to-death!! They were sure I had a monster under my bed!! She was a really neat pet!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 03-19-2013, 10:11 AM   #2875
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This week is Spring Break!! Dae Lynn has the week off but still has things going on where I need to watch the kids......however......today I have a day all to myself!! So there's not too much going on!!

I think that I may go in and wipe out my kitchen cabinets. They're really needing it and I need to get up and get off of my computer!! LOL

I weighed this morning and I've lost 3 pounds!! Yay!!! It's a start!!!

We're suppose to get a huge snowstorm on Thursday! I probably need to go to the store and stock up. I know that everyone's ready for spring but I'd love another snow storm. I love the feeling of being all snug and warm and in my home. In fact.....I just about hibernate during the winter. It's really hard for me to go out anywhere......I just want to be home.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 03-20-2013, 10:20 AM   #2876
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Hi everyone! I am back from Africa. It was by far the most amazing two weeks of my entire life! I was not ready to leave and I am still not ready to be home. I am yearning to go back. The people, the culture, the wildlife, everything was just awesome. On our second last day there, I was standing out the top of our Jeep while a momma lion and her five cubs were resting maybe two feet from the side of the vehicle. The cubs were about two years old - the males growing their manes and about ready to leave the pack to start their own. One of the male lions was laying there, but curious, and his eyes were locked with mine for about a minute while I snapped picture after picture after picture... To be that close to such a large, powerful, beautiful animal and to be just looking at each other for so long was absolutely EXHILARATING.

I have over 4000 pictures on my camera, and honestly I haven't even looked at them yet. I feel like as soon as I start going through them, it will really be over and it's not just living in my memories anymore, it's pictures at the end of a vacation But it was more than a vacation to me, it was a dream come true. I don't think any vacation will ever live up to the experience I had there!

Tomorrow I am going back to work, and back to real life.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 03-20-2013, 04:55 PM   #2877
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Lindsey, I'm glad you are home safe and sound, and that you had such a wonderful time!! When you have an experience like that, it just changes you somehow. I remember seeing wonderful things and just not believing that MY eyes were actually seeing it! Pictures are just pictures, but that feeling that those sights evoked will remain with you forever!
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Old 03-21-2013, 04:23 PM   #2878
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Oh, Lindsey, your vacation sounds so wonderful!! I think that you should take your best pictures and have them printed in a book!! I've seen some really cool books from vacation pictures!! I can't wait to see some of them.......not all!! LOL

Kera had her tonsils out yesterday. She was still having problems from the abcess in her throat so they decided to take them out. She's feeling pretty good.

I was suppose to go to some flea markets tomorrow with Jaci but she is finally getting her wall built in her bedroom to make the baby's room. I know that she's excited about it and wants to be there so we'll go another time......but I'm disappointed. I was really looking forward to going. Oh well.....the weather is not suppose to be the best.

I've been cleaning out my kitchen cabinets and it's going slow! However the ones I have done look really good. I have some things that I need to get boxed up and put away for a garage sale. Having to watch the kids doesn't help. I can't believe that Spring Break is almost over. Bummer!!!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 03-26-2013, 04:26 AM   #2879
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I was planning on doing spring cleaning this week, but it's not turning out like I had hoped...lol. Isn't that the way it always goes...LOLOL I did get my bathroom completely cleaned and it looks so shiny. Don't remember (I'm embarassed to say) when I cleaned it thoroughly. Wore me out, but it is so clean.

Today I need to head to town and run a few errands. When I come back I'm planning on starting with my kitchen. Cabinets above the stove are beginning to feel a little sticky so it's time to clean out cabinets and also clean the cabinet surfaces.

Even though I clean I've mostly surfaced cleaned and now it's time to get everything spotless. I'm also planning on getting rid of a bunch. Why I keep so much, thinking I'll use it later is crazy because I usually don't.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 03-26-2013, 09:35 AM   #2880
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You're so good at getting things done!! I started cleaning out kitchen cabinets too but I haven't gotten very far!! LOL

What do you clean the outside of your cabinets with?

We got snow on Saturday night!! It ended up that we didn't have any church on Sunday. Dae Lynn had planned a late birthday party for Karlie and Dean after church......and Amy had planned for everyone to come and make Easter cookies.....so it ended up that the whole family was here. We had a good time but I got upset when they had a flour fight in the kitchen. It seems like everytime they get together they have a food fight of some kind and I don't like it. Even though they clean it up they never get it completely clean and I have a hard enough time keeping things clean without them doing this.

On a better note.......I got to hold Baby Jed quite a bit!! He's so sweet and smiles so much!!

Yesterday the kids didn't have school so I had a day off from babysitting Dean. My older granddaughter, Karley, and her brother, Elijah, came over and played on the 4-wheeler with sleds. When they got cold they came in and had hot cocoa and visited with me. I love my grandkids!!

I am so grumpy lately. I'm not sure what's going on. I think maybe some sunshine might help. I always have some seasonal depression.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......

After I stop laughing!!!
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