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Old 11-20-2006, 07:54 AM   #1
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Unhappy I'm exhausted

My husband's grandmother and her toy poodle drove down from Indiana and spent the night with us last night. My husband and I have a one bedroom apartment so of course my hubby and I ended up sleeping on a blanket on the floor in the middle of the living room so his grandmother could have our bed. So miserable. I have the worst allergies so this morning my throat is killing me. I feel like I didn't get even a wink of sleep the entire night. My 2 yorkies were disoriented so they were up and down the whole night, I was sweating yet my hubby was freezing cold so we had to keep adjusting the heating/air, and it was just overall and completely miserable experience. To make matters worse, his grandmother's toy poodle has scratched up our very expensive leather couch that we got for a wedding present and I am very upset about it. We wanted her to leave this morning before hubby and I went to work, but she decided to stick around until I came home for lunch. So instead of going home to relax and spend time with my yorkies during lunch and possibly take a short nap, I have to go home and entertain her some more. Oh, and this is the best part, his grandmother suffers from Crohn's disease which causes her to pass gas involuntarily all the time, and it is so bad, it could kill a horse. Ugh.........

Sorry to vent. I really LOVE his grandmother. But there is only so much I can handle of her.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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Old 11-20-2006, 07:56 AM   #2
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You're a good granddaughter-in-law!!! Just hang in there a little longer. It sounds like she'll be going back home soon!
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After I stop laughing!!!
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Old 11-20-2006, 08:00 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by DianaB
You're a good granddaughter-in-law!!! Just hang in there a little longer. It sounds like she'll be going back home soon!
She stopped here on her way to Birmingham to visit my hubby's parents. We will see her again when we go to Birmingham on Wednesday evening. She is staying with my hubby's parents for 2 weeks, but luckily hubby and I will only be there Wednesday night and Thursday night. Then we will travel to Montgomery to see my family. I am sure my hubby feels the same way about my family as I do about his....we LOVE them, but there is only so much we can take of them. At least mine are coming to spend the night!
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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Old 11-20-2006, 08:19 AM   #4
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Aaww Rebecca....DON'T YA JUST LOVE THE HOLIDAYS!!!! They would be so much fun if we all were rich with big homes that have plenty of bedrooms and if the relatives behaved the way we would like. And then the travel... expense .....Makes ya just want to stay home alone sometimes.

The holidays will be here and gone before we know it, so I guess we just have to suffer through it .......and the gas....LOL
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Old 11-20-2006, 08:22 AM   #5
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Now that I've vented, I really feel like such a bi*ch for saying these things. I really do love his grandmother. I had the best time yesterday spending the day with her. I hope my grandchildren would do for me what we have done for her. I know she appreciates it and I know she had a great time staying with us. And I really do love her little toy poodle. She adopted it from a rescue about 6 months ago. Her poodle has really really helped her cope since losing her husband of 55 years. He died almost 4 years ago and she is still so sad. I just get moody when I'm tired.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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Old 11-20-2006, 08:23 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Janet
Aaww Rebecca....DON'T YA JUST LOVE THE HOLIDAYS!!!! They would be so much fun if we all were rich with big homes that have plenty of bedrooms and if the relatives behaved the way we would like. And then the travel... expense .....Makes ya just want to stay home alone sometimes.

The holidays will be here and gone before we know it, so I guess we just have to suffer through it .......and the gas....LOL
Thanks, Janet! You are so sweet!
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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Old 11-20-2006, 08:42 AM   #7
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lol.. awww.. sorry to hear about the couch is it repairable?
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Old 11-20-2006, 08:47 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by RLC12345678
Now that I've vented, I really feel like such a bi*ch for saying these things. I really do love his grandmother. I had the best time yesterday spending the day with her. I hope my grandchildren would do for me what we have done for her. I know she appreciates it and I know she had a great time staying with us. And I really do love her little toy poodle. She adopted it from a rescue about 6 months ago. Her poodle has really really helped her cope since losing her husband of 55 years. He died almost 4 years ago and she is still so sad. I just get moody when I'm tired.

Don't feel like bi*ch!!! Sometimes we just have to vent and it's the little annoyances (like the gas..lol), plus the inconvenience just makes us all a little crazy sometimes. We all do!

It is so sad when grandparents or parents lose their partners. They get so lonely at times especially at the holidays even though they are surrounded by loving relatives. Sometime...that's when they are the loneliest. You're a good Granddaughter-in-law. Treat yourself to some quiet time.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 11-20-2006, 08:55 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by cindy0721
lol.. awww.. sorry to hear about the couch is it repairable?

Well I called my mom to ask her what she thought about the couch and she said that since there was not a hole in it, that I could probably get some sort of leather cleaner or oil or something from a leather store and buff the scratches out. We'll see. Hopefully it is repairable.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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Old 11-20-2006, 01:00 PM   #10
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I think that a lot of us are going to have "in-law or family" stories to tell after the holidays!!!
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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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After I stop laughing!!!
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Old 11-20-2006, 06:29 PM   #11
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Rebecca as I was reading your post, I couldn't help but laugh when you wrote about the gas part...sorryyyyyyy lol .. As Janet has mentioned you are the sweetest girl...aka granddaughter.. you have every right to vent every so often....lol We can't always be perfect ...lol I am glad that you were able to unwind, and are feeling better. I think your couch will be fine, do as your mom suggested.....
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Old 11-20-2006, 06:29 PM   #12
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Rebecca as I was reading your post, I couldn't help but laugh when you wrote about the gas part...sorryyyyyyy lol .. As Janet has mentioned you are the sweetest girl...aka granddaughter.. you have every right to vent every so often....lol We can't always be perfect ...lol I am glad that you were able to unwind, and are feeling better. I think your couch will be fine, do as your mom suggested.....
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Old 11-20-2006, 06:30 PM   #13
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opps sorry about the double posts...lol yikes
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Old 11-20-2006, 06:38 PM   #14
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Glad things are working out. My I suggest that you invest in an air matress and electric pump. They make life sooooo much easier. I've done the floor thing, but no more!!!! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
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Old 11-21-2006, 03:30 PM   #15
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I "get" to spend Thursday with my in-laws. We only get together once a year, so it's quite the event. LOL

My dh's one sister and her family have somethng else going on that day, so those 4 won't be attending. I can't say I'll miss then,. as they're the snobs of the bunch and I don't feel I have anything in common with them. Their daughter works for Oprah Winfrey as an assistant director, so she is into everything "designer" which pleases her mother to no end. LOL

His youngest sisters hubby had a heart attack just days ago, so we aren't sure if he will be able to come... or if she will dare leave him home alone since he's supposed to have gone home from the hospital just today. If they don't come, it will be 5 fewer there.

Mother in law is a widow with the personality of a disrag... so there's nothing to like or dislike there. His older sister who is also a widow, is the one in his family who I truly do like. It sounds like she will attend.

We're all gathering at his brothers house. His brother is a very unpleasant little man who married the town bicycle and proclaimed her a saint. LOL

It makes for an interesting day.

So feel free to vent as needed... I likely will too after Thursday!
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