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Old 02-08-2012, 05:57 PM   #1861
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Lindsey, I would ask your vet about Layla's condition. My friends chi has already had surgery for bladder stones and it looks like he is developing them again. She was told by her vet he'd have to eat this expensive food, and she really didnt have the money for that, so my vet (a different vet) told her to give him cranberry juice, cranberry fruit pills or vitamin C pills or there is also vitamin C granules. I need to ask her again how much per day - I can't find the email that says how much. Your vet may not agree with this approach, but it might be worth a try if she doesn't have to eat special food and drink more water.
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Old 02-08-2012, 06:32 PM   #1862
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Good work day, still no motivation at home. Got my new eye glasses today so I'm not squinting to see. Jeff and Emily are dropping the girls off Friday night and going deep water fishing out of Galveston with some friends. I'll be tea partying for sure. Katey is 7 months old, crawling and pulling up, not to be left alone for 1 second. She'll be walking within the month and is the first one of Jeff's girls to be playpenned. Em was getting nothing else done and was slighting Abby and Sarah.

My name got put in the hat for a vp admin job and I'm not sure I want it. I like being busy and not bored. But, as with most things ... It's more money. I'm not stressing about it. I'm not even stressing about the chest ct scan. My neck is better as long as I'm taking the muscle relaxers.

Life is good.
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Old 02-09-2012, 01:34 PM   #1863
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Sounds like things are going well, Sandy. Have fun with the girls.....even if all you get done is chasing them around!!! I can understand that one!!

Today is my favorite day of the WHOLE year.......We went to the dentist!!! Now I have a whole year before I have to go back!! Yay!!! Actually today the dentist's assistant did all of the work and she is so much gentle than the doctor is. I told her to sign up to work with me again next year!!!

Feyn was here for a little while this morning......I always love when he's here!! Dean thinks that he's great!! It's so cute!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......

After I stop laughing!!!
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Old 02-09-2012, 01:43 PM   #1864
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Sandy I'm so glad you don't have to squint anymore....squinting always gives me a headache if I do it for too long. I know you'll have fun with the kiddies, but I bet you'll sleep like a baby when they go home...lol.

Would it be boring with the new position? I always like the more money idea... . I'm glad you're not going to stress over it. You'll know what you want to do in due time. Sending good thoughts your way!
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Old 02-09-2012, 01:55 PM   #1865
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This morning I got my hair cut. I felt so bad because I was suppose to get it cut yesterday, but forgot and I was a PT. When I got home there was a message on my machine so they had an opening for this morning.

The people paid for the house and had the closing today so I went through and called all the insurance people and had it all cancelled. They will have everything put in their names now. Made me sad calling all the different places and explaining again, that mom had passed. The business part is almost over. I can't believe the phone calls took so much time. Still have found a homeowners policy for Florida yet, but a lady down there offered to help me. I'm so grateful for all the help.

Also had to have the house here (insurance) added to our other rental policy....I forgot. Oh well...it's done now so everything is safe and secure. Just been a busy day. Don't worry ladies, I did quite a bit from my comfy recliner...I'm not taking any chances of over doing it...I promise.

Tomorrow I go for PT again. I haven't been in much pain at all today...I'm so surprised and relieved. Only had a tingle in my arm a couple of times today so that is good too. It tingled when I gave Ricky a haircut. I just did a trim so I wouldn't have my arm up too high and it only took about 10 minutes....I swear. This evening I'm hoping to go out and get something to eat. Don't have much here at the moment and I don't feel like cooking if we did have.

We are suppose to be getting some snow (up to 3 inches) and frigid temps starting after rush hour in the morning. I so wish spring would hurry!!!!
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Old 02-09-2012, 05:50 PM   #1866
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Janet, glad you're getting some relief. Diana, I lovable with you on the dental stuff.

I just can't seem to get a break lately. I spent most of the day in the ER with kidney stones. It woke me up about 4 this morning and got gradually worse. By 10 I went to the cvs minute clinic and she sent me straight to the ER. They zapped me with morphine, so after all the labs and imaging, they found a place and let me sleep for 4 hours until I could drive home. There's one big stone that's lodged so I need to go to my doc to figure what to do. This is not fun.
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Old 02-09-2012, 06:08 PM   #1867
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Oh Sandy! No wonder you don't have any motivation. I think you have been sick for so long you are just used to feeling bad You need to take a week off, get in bed and stay there young lady!
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Old 02-09-2012, 08:35 PM   #1868
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Oh no Sandy! You poor thing. Betsi is right, you need some rest and recuperation. Hopefully they can break up the kidney stone. I know it is very painful - I've never had one but have seen people in terrible pain and I don't want that to happen to you.

Please take care of yourself, you've had too many things going on and too many illnesses lately. You need to de-stress, relax and heal.
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Old 02-10-2012, 11:02 AM   #1869
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Originally Posted by gja1000 View Post
Lindsey, I would ask your vet about Layla's condition. My friends chi has already had surgery for bladder stones and it looks like he is developing them again. She was told by her vet he'd have to eat this expensive food, and she really didnt have the money for that, so my vet (a different vet) told her to give him cranberry juice, cranberry fruit pills or vitamin C pills or there is also vitamin C granules. I need to ask her again how much per day - I can't find the email that says how much. Your vet may not agree with this approach, but it might be worth a try if she doesn't have to eat special food and drink more water.
Thanks Gayle. I guess it depends on what kind of crystals they are, from some research I did yesterday. There are two types and they have totally different treatments. One needs you to make the urine more alkaline and one needs you to make it more acidic. I'm confused because the vet did not specify the type of crystals, and the food Layla is eating specifies it gets rid of both!

I just emailed Layla's old vet from the university and hopefully she gets back to me. She knows more about nutrition than the vet here, I think. Actually the vet here did call Scott briefly yesterday (finally) and talked about getting xrays and Scott wondered why. She said she thought we were having troubles expressing Layla and that she was peeing blood. Scott said no not at all! She's peeing too much pee, all the time! But besides that, she thought Layla was peeing blood and she took TWO DAYS to call us back???!!!! So we are hoping the other vet can refer us somewhere or look into it herself for a second opinion.

I am working from home today, which is nice. The doggies are all curled up asleep, and I'm drinking tea with my laptop at the dining room table. I've decided when we finish the basement, I want a real office with a real office desk so I can lay out plans and really get more work done. Scott drove in today by himself, and had to park in my parking spot at my office and walk 15 minutes to his office. It's -30 degrees Celsius. I kind of feel sorry for him, but I have to get into that cold car every day and go pick him up (by then it's a little warmer!), so it's about time he gets cold for once!

This weekend we should be meeting with that girl about looking after Layla. She just hasn't emailed me back yet. Tomorrow we are also heading into the city to volunteer for 4 hours at an adoption day for the dog rescue we got Kash and Lucy from I hope it goes well! And on Sunday night we are having a playdate with Kash and Lucy's old foster mom and her little dog (and maybe some more fosters!). Can you tell I'm a dog person?

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 02-10-2012, 05:05 PM   #1870
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Today...I went to physical therapy. I liked the first guy better, but he's on vacation now so I have a new guy. He's okay, just not as chipper as the first guy. Still not having much pain at all, only now and then and not bad. I was told to do normal things around the house as usual, just no heavy lifting, quick jerking of my head and neck. Something about needing to keep the muscles in motion "because motion is healing".

Spent the rest of the day at home, not doing much, until Rick got off work and then met him at Mom's house to repair the front door knob. I thought I had it fixed, but it's stripped so tomorrow Rick is going to install a new one. The renters are done painting and when I saw how nice it looked, I just about cried. I wish Mom could see how pretty the walls look, she'd be so happy. The young lady decided she would rather pick out some different curtains which is just fine, but told her I could go ahead and take them to get them out of her way. She said she wished I would let her wash them for me and said she'd really be pleased if I let her. So...I'll let her. They are so nice and I really feel happy to have them there.
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Last edited by Janet; 02-11-2012 at 02:33 AM.
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Old 02-12-2012, 07:21 AM   #1871
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Sandy, how do you feel? You poor thing!

Betsi, when are you going to see the kids?

Gayle, it sounds quiet at your house this week! Thank God!

Linds, don't adopt another dog!! I hope your old vet gets back to you. This doesn't sound like such a major problem, if it can be handled nutritionally. Sweet little Layla! Give her a big kiss from me!

Janet, moving around does not mean emptying the garage, cleaning out the attic, or who knows what you have on you to do list!!! Just saying! How lovely that such sweet people are living in Mom's house. I just know that she is happy about it!

I'm going to the gym today. I reallly do not want to go out because it's 14 degrees! I am going to force myself to go though.

I ordered belly bands for Max. I hate to do it, but his marking is getting me angry.

Should I just put it on him, and let him get used to it, or slowly let him get used to it with treats, etc.?

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Old 02-12-2012, 09:36 AM   #1872
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Lol I was so close to adopting another dog yesterday! The dog assigned to us, Mackenzie, is a shepherd cross who came from a reserve up north. She was pregnant and had been shot, but not killed. The humane society took her, and then the rescue took her from them. She had her babies, which went to another rescue, and she has been looking for a home. She limps on her front leg because there is still a bullet lodged in her shoulder People just make me so sick. She is still waiting to find out whether she will have surgery to remove the bullet and fuse the bone together.

She was just such a sweetheart. She immediately took to us like we were her new people. She walked so well on leash and when we were sitting down she'd always try to lay on my lap and look up at me with her big brown eyes. Everyone was amazed at how much she loved us immediately! Anyways, one older couple filled out an adoption application for her and another shepherd cross, and another famly seemed interested later in the day and Scott gave them a card for more information on adopting. I really hope she finds her forever home soon! She is just too sweet to not have a loving family.

My parents got back from Cuba so we visited with them for a little while, and then we took Kash and Lucy and Layla to Kash and Lucy's foster mom's house for a playdate, since we were already in the city! She and her boyfriend were in awe in how much Lucy has changed! There was one bad moment though, as soon as we came in. I guess it was just the excitement level, but Kash got in a barking match which turned into a scuffle with one of her dogs (they were best friends when Kash lived there!) and Scott grabbed Kash and pulled his face towards him, and Kash lunged at Scott's face and next thing we know, Scott's nose is dripping blood. Kash snapped at his nose and there was a big cut down one side and a little gash in the other side. Scott said he also got some teeth under his lip. It was just so not like Kash at all. We put the other dog in a bedroom and Kash calmed right down and he seemed so ashamed to even go near Scott. I don't know where that came from because he is so laid back and loving.

We also won tickets to a comedy show last night, because we put our names in a draw while we were there last weekend! We invited Scott's cousin and his wife to come with us, and it was a lot of fun.

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Old 02-12-2012, 11:36 AM   #1873
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Janet, moving around does not mean emptying the garage, cleaning out the attic, or who knows what you have on you to do list!!! Just saying! How lovely that such sweet people are living in Mom's house. I just know that she is happy about it!
I won't...believe me. I've just done laundry, some light dusting, keeping the kitchen counters/table clean. I won't even run the sweeper as I've heard that is one of the worst things someone can do with an injury...not sure if it's true, but not taking any chances. I sure love ya Judy!!
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Old 02-12-2012, 03:26 PM   #1874
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Today I bought plane tickets for PARIS!!! WooHoo!! We are going in April for 2 weeks. Everybody is out of school for Spring Break! I don't care if we do one single thing.. I just want to see my babies! Now if I can manage to only pack a 50 lb suitcase, I'll be doing great, lol!
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Old 02-12-2012, 04:32 PM   #1875
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How wonderful for you Betsi!!! I know how excited you are and I bet the kids are just as excited!
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