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Old 09-03-2012, 03:20 AM   #2581
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On Saturday, I had planned to clean out the garage again but my friend Diane was on her way to see her Mother and wanted me to go with them to Lafayette. She still is having anxiety issues, so I was glad to go. I usually don't like shopping, it's not even on my list of 1000 favorite things to do..lol, but I had a really good time. It was raining most of the time, but we didn't let it stop us.

Yesterday, I went to the first service at church. Still not sure which time I like best. I do love the music. After church I went to Wal Mart and picked up a few items and then headed home. Ricky was gone most of the day and didn't return until 9:30 last night. With the rain and wind, I still worry when he's out on the roads somewhere.

Today, not sure what I'll do. Have a bit of an upset stomach, so I may just lounge around unless I start feeling better.

This Isaac storm has really brought high humidity. It has been horrible to deal with. I will sure be glad when cool fall weather arrives.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:00 AM   #2582
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I made it home from Oklahoma about 1:00 today. I had a nice trip, it was very quiet and relaxing with only a few family in for the holiday weekend. We just ate good food, visited, and did a bit of shopping. I bought some exercise clothes and some athletic shoes. I'm starting a "Get Fit" class at the university next week and really didn't have any workout clothes. I'm looking forward to it! I think I may take a nap this afternoon!
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Old 09-03-2012, 04:05 PM   #2583
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Glad you're home safe and sound Gayle. I gotta ask....what do you do with the doggies when you're gone? Do you have someone come stay with them? I'm sure you'll like your exercise class.

I just saw where the YMCA here in Frankfort are starting line dancing classes on Tuesday so I'm considering doing this. I'm sure there will be people I know, but would like someone to go with me. The other thing....I sweat sooooo bad, it's embarassing. I haven't line danced in years and not even sure I remember any of the steps.

I did get the garage cleaned out today. I'm so glad it's done and there is room on both sides of my van now. Someone keeps dumping stuff in the garage I use instead of taking it to the shed or the garage they use. From now on....if I find anything out there that wasn't out there when I finished today, it's going on the wood/burn pile out back.

Not feeling too bad now, I don't think I was sick to my stomach, I think it was more nerves than anything. Anyway...I worked hard in the garage, got soaked from perspiring and now I feel much better.

Tomorrow I hope to have time to take the cat in to get her stitches out. I need to run to the bank first so if I don't have as much time as I would like, I'll wait until Wednesday.

The 3 day weekend sure didn't last long...
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 09-03-2012, 07:23 PM   #2584
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Gayle and Janet, those both sound like good exercise programs! What a great idea. I sure wish we were closer so we could go exercise together. Wouldn't that be fun?

Jim's retirement party went well. He was really surprised, and there were 27 people there! Today was my brother Ronny's birthday. We took a cake and presents out to his house, and he was so surprised. My brothers are great!

Tomorrow Mike has to go to the dermatologist, then pick up his sleep apnea machine. I hope it helps him feel more rested when he wakes up. I'm anxious to find out how many times his sleep was interrupted during his test.

It's SO hot here. I'm ready for WINTER!!
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Old 09-03-2012, 07:29 PM   #2585
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Yes Betsi and Janet, it would be so much fun to exercise together! That would really motivate me!

Janet, I take the dogs with me everywhere, unless I'm flying or going on a trip where they can't go, but that is not very often. When I can't take them, I have a lady who comes stay at the house with them, or I take them to Houston to stay with my daughter (or I meet her half way). Gary's family absolutely adores them and would be really upset if I didn't bring them when I go to OK.
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Old 09-04-2012, 08:10 PM   #2586
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My weekend was pretty good! I had so much fun at my friend's wedding, even though it was rained out. The ceremony was moved indoors and it was still beautiful! I caught up with the bride's cousin and he told me I look the same as I did when I was 15!!! I don't know if that's a compliment or not lol. I caught up with another friend I haven't seen in probably 10 years, and we danced all night! Scott and I walked home in the rain at 2:30 in the morning

We spent the rest of the weekend at the lake. It rained Sunday but was nice enough on Monday to be outside. Scott was in a bad mood most of the weekend but I'm not even going to talk about that here. It's just exhausting to think about it and how we had to leave. I was not happy about it!

Anyways, work is super busy as usual so I am going to be keeping myself busy for the next few months with lots of overtime.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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Old 09-05-2012, 04:32 AM   #2587
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Lindsey, it sounds like you had a good weekend despite the rain and Scott's bad mood. It's always fun to catch up with old friends, isn't it!

Betsi, the retirement party sounds like fun. How is Mike doing with the C-Pap machine. Gary was supposed to use one, but he hated it. He used it off and on (more off than on) for years. It definitely helps them to sleep better and it also takes a strain off the heart which is caused by stopping all the apenic episodes. The heart has to speed up and slow down all night when you are having apnea episodes and that puts a strain on the heart. I don't think Gary ever believed that, but it is true. I think Gary's heart failure would have been improved if he'd used the C-Pap consistently, but he just wouldn't. I hope Mike uses it!
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Old 09-05-2012, 08:27 AM   #2588
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I hope he does too, Gayle! Tonight will be his first time to try it, and I think he'll use it.

I'm off to get my hair cut and colored. I never know what color I will be, lol!
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Old 09-05-2012, 10:06 AM   #2589
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Marilyn, it sounds so nice to go shopping for furniture! I have Jaci's room empty now but instead of putting a bed in there we've decided to put a hide-a-bed that we have and move my desk in there. I'd like to put a little tv too so the kids can watch in there or play video games......which I'd have to buy a video game as well. I can do my crafts and projects in there and it will be a lot more usuable to us like that than a bedroom......but the hide-a-bed will still make it a bedroom when we need it.

Betsi, I'm so glad that you have family close by since your boys live so far away!! Your parties sound like fun!!

Lindsey, How nice that you got to visit with old friends!! It sounds like you had a good weekend......well......except for Scott's bad mood.

Janet, you are so busy!! Cleaning out the garage!! You should hire yourself out to organize other people's stuff!!

Exercising together would be so much fun!! I could use some good motivation!! My scales are broken so I'm not sure where I'm at but I don't think that it's good

We didn't do much over the weekend. Glen worked......I was home. I did work on pictures for Dean's room and they've turned out soooo cute! He has a nursey set that I'm copying off of and using my Cricut to help cut out designs. I'll get some pictures when I get the room all done. Today I'm spray painting picture frames and a little cubby shelf that I bought.

Dean's been sick......actually their whole family has been.....but Dean's is hanging on. Yesterday you could tell he was miserable unless you gave him ibuprophen. Today he's better.....a little......still croupy. I just hope that I don't get it.

Glen's going to Mermot Springs this weekend with his dive buddy, Logan. There's a 100 mile garage sale south of here that I went to last year and had a blast.......so I think that Jaci and I are going on Friday........I just realized that I need to have Dae Lynn find another sitter.....OOPS!!! Jaci's excited about going and wants to take her new car. It makes me a little nervous taking a brand new car!!! Oh well.....I guess it has to get broke in sometime!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 09-05-2012, 01:15 PM   #2590
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So much going on with everyone WOW! Sure wish I was at your place to go with you and Jaci to all the garage sales!!! I had heard about a town flea market near here, but have never been. My friend Diane asked if I had ever been and if I would like to go. I think she said it was the 22 and 23, so as it stands, unless something comes up, we are going to plan on going. She said it was mostly crafts that people make and I just love love love those kinds of things.

Diana....since you been here I keep shopping for rings...lol. I absolutely loved yours! I did buy one from Avon, not nearly as nice of course, but it's pretty. It came today. Looks a little cheaper than I had hoped, but for $19.99...I can't expect much...lolol

We've been having quite a bit of rain here lately. Don't think it's got us caught up to what we should have, but every bit helps. I posted pics of a storm that came through today and I guess tonight we are suppose to have some really bad ones. I'm so ready for a good storm, we haven't really had any for quite some time.

Yesterday was my older brother's 66th birthday. I had posted on his FB page and sent him a card. For some reason I was afraid to call him like I always do. Hadn't spoke with him for awhile so I wasn't sure what to expect. Anyway...I called and glad I did. He was very nice so I felt comfortable. The only thing I don't care for is everytime I call, whether it's his home phone or cell (which is what I called) it's always on speaker. I never get to speak with just him. His wife listens to everything and when I ask him something....she answers. Very disturbing. But...hey...I'm really not complaining, it was a good conversation.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 09-05-2012, 07:13 PM   #2591
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Monday ended up being a laundry and cleaning day. I didn't get to the furniture store as planned. We really dont want to buy furniture right now anyway. We're planning on selling our house soon and building again. There are a couple of features we really want, and our next home will be a one story. Our taxes are too high where we are, so also want to build outside of the city. We plan to find a place to rent, if possible for a while, or may start building and then sell. With all the eagle Ford Shale activity combined with industrial expansion, rentals are expensive and difficult to find. We plan to add another bedroom before selling, so our house will be 4 bedrooms with 3.5 baths, but y'all probably don't want to hear all the details on that. We should be able to sell easily with the demand for houses so high.

Rex and I went to a diabetes education class today. It was very informative. He's really committed to doing what he needs to do to get and stay healthy. If I'd known all the symptoms of diabetes, I could have told him about 6 months ago that he needed to get to the doctor, but live and learn.

I got the results of my fasting blood test today and my total cholesterol was 211 and LDL was 166. My cardiac risk factor is 6.2 and they said should never be more than 5.0. They are giving me 6 weeks to try to get it down with diet and exercise. If I fail they want me on medication. I do not want to take statin drugs. So I have to get busy. I may go vegetarian and see if that helps. I'm already eating pretty healthy and taking krill oil. So plan to exercise like crazy and cut out meats completely for a while. I will still eat some fish. Sorry this is all about me. Next time I'll try to comment more on all your activity.

Betsi, I do hope your husband uses the c-pap. I believe it's very important and will help. Rex should use one but says he just can't tolerate it.
If anyone would like a free Bible Study CD or book entitled "Searching for Truth", PM me with your mailing address and I'll send you one. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32
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Old 09-06-2012, 11:37 AM   #2592
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You always sound so busy, Marilyn!! Maybe you should put off buying 2 sets of furniture and just buy one so you have a place for company to stay. I'm sure when you finally move you'll want an extra set for a guest room anyway. Then I'd just leave the other room empty.....or make it a play room for when Emma is there.

Adding on sounds like a lot of work but I'm sure it helps that your husband does construction!! Must be nice!! Maybe we could trade our husband's work.......Glen could plow up your yard and yours could remodel my basement.......sounds like a good trade to me!!!

Marilyn, I know that Glen's diabetes was way out of control before we found out. His eyes were even showing the effects of diabetes......so much that it scared him. He was losing weight, it was so bad. Just make sure you watch carbs as well as sugars because carbs convert to sugar in your body. With Splenda it's so much easier to stay on the diet because you can still have sweets......just not with sugar. And good luck with your next tests!!

Betsi, I'm anxious to hear about how your hair appointment went!! What color are you now?

Janet.....Cool!! You bought you a new ring!! Bling is in......so you go, Girl Friend!! Next thing you know we'll have you in a sparkly shirt and jeans!!!

We got a little bit of rain this morning.....not much again. We have some good chances the next day or two......probably while Jaci and I are at garage sales!!

Janet, I'm glad that you went ahead and called your brother. It's good for you to stay connected. Jerry probably feels comfortable about letting his wife listen in on your conversations. No big deal. I'm sure that if you needed to talk to him privately then you just need to ask.

Glen's got his stuff out to go diving. He's so excited to go! Jaci's excited about the garage sales too......so am I. We'd love to have you go, Janet. I do hope you have a good time with Diane!! I texted Marva and I'm going down there the end of this month and adding some of my stuff to her garage sale. You wouldn't believe the people that showed up at her house last year!! I'm hoping to do pretty good. I think that I'll take some things out of my flea market booth that haven't been selling and take them too. Then I can change things around that I'm selling and add some new stuff.

Well.....Dean's asleep and I have things to get done. I spray painted some things to go in his room.......and I have the blue fingers to prove it!! I have a few more things to paint and make on the Cricut. I ordered a new cartridge that's princess stuff to make some things for Karlie's room......which has changed with a different bedspread. It's a good thing that I hadn't started buying much or making things for her room or I might have been upset. The colors on this will be much easier to match and do things with. Hope everyone has a great day!!

Oh....and Janet, how did you like your new can opener?
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞

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Old 09-06-2012, 02:27 PM   #2593
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Boy do I feel guilty....You all are so busy...I have just been sitting on my back side crocheting and watching TV in the evenings when I get home from work. Trying to get Headbands done for Craft show in November. If they don't sell will donate to Project Help here in Angola.
I need to go on a diet. I have gained 10 lbs and I do not like it. I hate getting old. I am not big by any means but 10 lbs for me is alot to gain. Nothing fits.
So tonight I am crocheting again and watching TV.
The real measure of a woman's wealth is what she has invested in eternity. Linda aka 2tiredmom
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Old 09-07-2012, 07:53 AM   #2594
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I think you're right Diana about staying connected. It just made me uncomfortable on speaker because I would ask Jerry something and Betty would answer. I didn't call her...I called to wish my brother a "Happy Birthday". I would never mention it to her or him, so I will just deal with it.

We are all doing great with the new can opener Diana.... Works really well, quieter and doesn't take up space on the counter...what a deal!!!

Linda....I sure wouldn't feel guilty about crocheting and TV, if I could cook like you I wouldn't feel guilty about anything. I saw these things for sale and thought of you. They were on a site for $5.00, aren't they cute? 404003_514561628558772_1087226857_n.jpg Didn't know if you had seen these before or not.

If they don't sell at your craft show, you should stop in at All Aboard in Frankfort, unless you all have a place like that there. She's wanting more things that people make to sell.

Not sure what I'm doing over the weekend yet....I'm just so glad it's almost here.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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Old 09-07-2012, 06:01 PM   #2595
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I'm home this weekend, for once! Lol! I'm going to a small town arts and crafts show tomorrow. I just love small town festivals.

I have a list of things to get for my mom and I have shopping to do for myself too, so that will take some time.

I'm starting exercises classes on Monday. They are MWF 7-8AM. The classes are at the University and so I will need to shower in the locker room after the class and then go to work. I will have a locker to keep my things in so I want to get a second set of makeup and hair products so that I don't have to drag everything back and forth everyday. All those things will add to my shopping list. Whew!

THEN, I am having my mom's 90th birthday party at my house on Oct. 6th. There is plenty of time to get ready for it, but I do want to start thinking about it and keeping my eye open for things I will need.

I'm hoping to have a restful, fun and productive weekend!
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