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#2596 |
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member |
Today I got a call from my dear friend Linda (the one I've been friends with for over 35 years), well really her daughter Lori. Linda's Yorkie Lizzy had it coming out both ends and has some hot spots on her back. No one was able to get her to the vet so they asked me and of course I took her in. She had a reaction to some flea/heartworm medicine and has an allergy to fleas. We found 2 on her at the vet. Lizzy was sent home with 3 different meds and some medicated conditioner to leave in. So after I got her back home and got Linda calmed down, I gave Lizzy a bath for her. Linda just isn't able to do that right now because of her health and her daughter and her family weren't going to be home to do it.
Came home and was starved....ate about 8 of the little Chewy Chips Ahoy cookies and a glass of milk.....but that's all I had so it was my breakfast and lunch too. I'll do better tomorrow. It's been one of those days.....kind of got that blah feeling, so looking forward to tomorrow...hopefully I will feel better.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1 |
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#2597 |
Donating 4WT Talker
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Texas
Posts: 2,119
Janet, you are a good friend. That was really sweet of you!
Gayle, I'm so glad you are taking care of yourself. I bet your mom is excited about her party. Sounds like fun. Mike left for the ranch yesterday and will be home Monday. I'm leaving Monday to ride to Dallas with Teresa, my sil. She sees a knee surgeon on Tuesday, to talk about knee replacement. Both of hers are bone on bone, and hurt so much. My knees are tolerable right now, so she needs to go first so I can see how much it hurts, lol!
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#2598 |
Donating 4WT 13K Club Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 16,069
Wow!! What a weekend I had!! So busy!!
Jaci and I went to the 100 mile garage sale on Friday. She hadn't been feeling well so I wasn't sure if she was going to go or not. She sounded bad but said that she felt fine. We found quite a bit of "stuff". We knew that there was a chance of rain so we kept checking her weather on the car (it's pretty fancy) and sure enough a bad storm came up. We were at a garage sale when the rain started and Jaci and I ended up helping a woman take her stuff into her garage. Personally......I was worried about Jaci's car because there was talk of hail. The woman ended up offering to let Jaci park in her car port but Jaci turned her down.....I didn't hear that or I'd have made her put it in there anyway. As we drove away the wind picked up really bad and limbs were coming out of the trees. We parked by a building and waited the storm out.....thank heavens it's didn't hail. Jaci's MIL bought a brand new vehicle this week and was at the garage sales too so we were all worried about their new cars. The rain pretty much ended the garage sales for that day so we came home.....after a trip to Wal-mart. On Saturday Jaci and I had talked about going back to the 100 mile garage sale but I decided that I was too tired and needed to get some things done at home. I ran into the few garage sales that we had in town. Jaci had seen an antique hoosier cabinet the day before and had kicked herself for not buying it all day long......well....it ended up that it was still there so I called her and we ended up buying it. She was excited!! I went to the other garage sales and I hit a great one!! I bought a lot of stuff to resell!! I got two really nice king sized bedspreads, two leather jackets, a really nice leather ottoman, a bag that goes on the back of a 4-wheeler (that we've been wanting to buy and just hadn't because they're so expensive), and a whole lot of other things!!! When I got home I had garage sale stuff everywhere so I started pricing things and worked at that all day. On Sunday I got up and went to church. I had two new little boys in my class so it was a hard morning. You could tell that they weren't used to sitting still for very long but they loved the craft that we did so it ended up being a good morning. After chuch Jaci and I went out to eat since Nate wasn't with her and Glen was out of town. Then I found another garage sale......we don't ususally have them here on Sunday. After that I went to Dae Lynn's and watched the kids while they painted the inside of their trailer house. The renter left them in a huge mess so they're trying to get it back in shape to get it rented out. Mom and Art stopped by Dae Lynn's to talk to me about their will. I had asked some questions a while back about what they want done and it made them realize that getting a will was something that needed to be done. I've made it clear what I want that's Mom's because my Mom came with a lot to their marriage and I want some of it to come back to us. They had a quiestionaire to fill out to help the lawyer know what they're wanting to do. My Mom will have everything in order so it probably won't be to hard to take care of when the time comes. Glen got home late last night. He and Logan had a good time scuba diving. I was so busy that I hardly noticed that he was gone. One of his good friends is in town this morning so we're going in for a late breakfast and visit with him and his wife.
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞ You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up...... After I stop laughing!!! |
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#2599 |
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Indiana
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Where do the weekends go. Glad you could help your friend Janet. Gayle have fun planning your moms party. That sounds like a good time. Betsi knee surgery. Ouch.
Diana Garage sales 100 miles. No way. Hubby and I headed to Frankfort Saturday morning and Jennifer called us to let us know her car was broke down along the side of the road. So we went to where she was only took 2 hours to get there but she was going same place we were going. So Gary put water in radiator and they took off to Frankfort with me behind them. It must have been a stuck thermostat. ANy way made it to frankfort. Our oldest daughter had a Pampered Chef party only 3 guest there. Me Jennifer and a neighbor. BUt got to see the Grandsons. They were so busy. Then Jen and I went to see my dad in nursing home. He needed a shave so I gave him one. He does not know what day it is. So depressing. Then went to Gary's mom where he was checking out Jen's car. Didn't find a thing wrong with it thank goodness. She went back to Muncie and Gary and I went to Red Lobster in Kokomo to eat for our 23rd wedding anniversary. Whirlwind trip as always but no one can make the trip up to see us. Go figure. Oh well. Sorry. Mowed on Sunday and Gary left for Wisconsin. Never enough hours in the day. Everyone have a great week. I also made more headbands and sold 4 of them at work today. YAYYYY>>>>
The real measure of a woman's wealth is what she has invested in eternity. ![]() |
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#2600 |
Donating 4WT Yakker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Central Texas
Posts: 5,717
You are really busy too, Linda! It sounds like everyone had a good weekend.
Diana, I don't know how you do it. 100 miles of garage sales. Sounds like it got cut a bit short with the storm. Thank goodness there was no hail!!! I went to an arts/crafts festival in a small town near where I live. I bought some earrings, the kind where you can change out the little dangle things. It was called earrings in a jar. The earrings and dangles were in this little jar with a cork in the top. So cute! BUT, when I got home all the dangles were there, but the earring part that goes through the ear wasn't in there. I called the lady (thank goodness she had given me her card) but she didn't answer. She had an email address on the card, so I sent her an email. She emailed me back and we were going to meet Sunday (she doesn't live far from me) so I could get the earrings, but our schedules weren't compatible, so she's going to mail them to me. I had lunch Sunday with a couple of friends. We ate at a little restaurant out in the country. It is owned by neighbors of the friends I ate with. They were plowing a field right next to the restaurant so I posted on FB how much I love living in the country. The husband of the friends I ate with is going to buy Gary's boat, so they came home with me to look at it. David has been fishing with Gary, just last March, so he was familiar with the boat, he just wanted to look it over again. He is so excited and so am I. It is nice knowing that a friend will have Gary's boat. i started my exercise class today. WHEW! It was hard - I don't think the actual class will be as hard as it was today, because we got fitness tested today. We had to do various exercises until we couldn't do them anymore, e.g., pushups and jogging/walking a mile, and record our times and repetitions. That was really hard and I'm sore now. We will take the test at the end of November when the class is over to see if we have improved. There are about 20 people in my class of all ages and genders. I am VERY out of shape, so it will be good for me!
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#2601 |
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member |
Nothing really going on here. I am getting ready to rearrange my bedroom. I dusted and swept this morning and will do a few other odds and ends and then I'm hoping to start rearranging tomorrow.
Rick is leaving on Thursday or Friday, don't know which, for the weekend for the state Cowboy shoot...."rolling eyes here". I don't care what it is or where, just as long as he is gone. Ricky and I both are looking forward to it. Sometime this week or next I'll be going into the rental house where Mom lived and trim the bushes. They are getting a little wild looking and take some concrete mix in to repair a corner of the porch. I imagine where a lawnmower has hit it a few times has made it come lose so I will fix that while I'm there. They are taking great care of Mom's place and for that I am so thankful.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1 |
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#2602 |
Donating 4WT 13K Club Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 16,069
Ha Ha!! I didn't go the whole 100 miles of the garage sales!! There is a designated 100 miles that garage sales are along the highways. There's no way I could do the whole thing!! This weekend there is a highway all across Kansas, from one end to the other, that has garage sales. I would love to go but I have too much going on...plus I'd have to find a place to stay because it's too far from me.
Janet, you are so sweet to help take care of your friend's yorkie!! Gayle, It sounds like you had a good time!! I'm glad that you were able to get the earring situation figured out. Thank goodness you picked up her card!
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞ You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up...... After I stop laughing!!! |
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#2603 |
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member |
I really haven't done a lot today. I ate some Romaine lettuce for lunch and I think it's causing me to have stomach pains. Not liking this at all, but the salad was good.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1 |
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#2604 |
Donating 4WT 13K Club Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 16,069
I worked on a shelf for Dean's room yesterday. It has cubby holes and I took it apart and spray painted each of the boards different colors. I had trouble with some of the paint bubbling on me so the last board isn't screwed on yet but I'll get it this morning. I'm so excited for Dae Lynn to see it but I want to wait so she can see everything together. Glen's working on a night light/ sign for Dean's room. It's going to be made out of an old rusty thing that looks like a lid! Going to be sooo cute!!
Jaci came over yesterday. Nate was out of town and she was missing us. Nate showed up later and we went in and ate at a local steak house and then we came home and played cards. Glen and I went set right off the bat.....thanks to me......so it took us awhile to catch up. They ended up beating us but only by three points!!! So close!! Oh....and we were playing Spades!! We love that game!! My Aunt Marva, her husband, and another Uncle is coming up this weekend so I'll be at Mom's tomorrow. Mom lives on a small lake (actually a large pond) and my Uncle like to fish so we'll be having a fish fry!! Should be a fun weekend!!! Glen also has a friend that's here still for his brother-in-laws funeral so we may do something with them tonight. We don't get to see them very often but always enjoy having them here.
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞ You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up...... After I stop laughing!!! |
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#2605 |
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member |
Had a really good weekend. With Rick gone from early Friday morning till Sunday afternoon, Ricky and I got a lot done, plus had fun.
Saturday morning Ricky decided to haul all the junk behind the garage to the recycle place. I was so glad he did this and whenever he does, I let him keep all the money for the junk. Right now prices are low so he only got $45, but it pays for gas for a week. I went to town also and trimmed a couple of shrubs at Mom's house. Well, I started to and the young man I rent to came out and did most of it. They are such great people and I really am blessed to have them taking such great care of Mom's house. Probably next weekend I'll go back and powerwash the siding. It doesn't look bad, but Mom would have wanted it cleaned before it gets worse so that's what I'll do. Ricky stopped by to see if I needed any help after he hauled the junk, but we were pretty much done, so we both headed home. We both came back and got on our computers for a bit and I also did laundry. Then we decided to go to Lafayette to eat supper at Red Lobster. They built a new one and we were really wanting to see the place. Well, Ricky went in and there was going to be 1.5 hour wait and since we both were really hungry, we went to a place called Logan's Roadhouse. The food there is soooo good and we both left stuffed..lol Sunday I paid our bills and gave the dogs a bath and Ricky mowed the yard. He is such a great young man and helps me in so many ways. We both could sure tell the difference in the air when Rick got home...it's a shame that it's that way.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1 Last edited by Janet; 09-17-2012 at 06:04 AM. |
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#2606 |
Donating 4WT 2000 Club Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: South Texas
Posts: 4,907
So glad you had such a nice weekend, Janet. Logans Roadhouse is really good!!! We have a Texas Roadhouse here that is very similar. There is a Logan's in Corpus Christi I've been to a couple of times.
This weekend I went to a shrimp boil Friday evening. It was so good!!! I brought some home for the family to sample. Saturday I fished a bay fishing tournament and caught a couple of very nice redfish. We got 6th place. There was a big fish fry after the tournament. There is nothing like eating fish so fresh. It was really good. I brought a plate home for everyone to sample. Karen, Carlton & Emma were here helping Melissa & Garrett move into an apartment. It will take a while to get all their stuff out of our house, but at least they got part of it done. They hope to sleep there tonight. Sunday I got to spend a little time with Emma. She's growing so fast!!! Tomorrow I head to Corpus for a trade show. I'll be back home Thursday evening.
![]() ![]() If anyone would like a free Bible Study CD or book entitled "Searching for Truth", PM me with your mailing address and I'll send you one. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32
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#2607 |
Donating 4WT Yakker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Central Texas
Posts: 5,717
I'm really really tired today. I had a hectic weekend in Houston this weekend. I was so tired when I got home yesterday and then i'm tired again today. I was busy all day. I missed my morning exercise class because I had previously scheduled a mammogram this morning at 8:00, forgetting I would be in evercise class at 8:00. Since I was 3 months overdue for the mammo, I decided to do that instead of reschedule. My exercise partner was pretty busy this morning too, so we decided to go to the 4:30PM class. I'm not very good at that time of the afternoon, i usually feel very tired and sluggish, but I didn't want to miss class today. It was really hard and I'm really tired, but I'm glad I went.
Then I had to stop by mom's on my way home. She said her phone was not working, but I think she just didn't get it on the charger correctly because it seemed fine to me. I finally made it home at 7:30 - long day!
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#2608 |
Donating 4WT 13K Club Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 16,069
Gayle, you sound tired. I hope you can find some time to rest up and pamper yourself.
I went to garage sales on Sat with Dae Lynn. We didn't find much but it was nice to get out. Then I went to Chanute and caught up with Mom and Marva at the flea market. I found a really cool desk and bought it. We shopped at a consignment store......Mom's buying clothes for one of my niece's babies. Then we went to eat.....after we had ordered Marva got a text saying that her grandson had gotten snake bit while fishing with the guys so we got our food to go and headed to the hospital. It ended up that it was a really small rattlesnake. He wasn't sure if he was bit or not but it didn't take long for his hand to start swelling. He was out of the hospital by evening and by Sunday morning was still sore and swollen. I'm sure that he's better by now. What a scare!! After that we went to a few garage sales and then went back to Mom's for a fish fry. I was pretty tired and left early to head home. Sunday after church we went out to eat with family then I had a baby shower to go to for Tammy. She got some really nice things! My girls are having a shower for her but it's the weekend that I'm going to Marva's for the garage sale. I feel really bad about not being there but at least I made it to this one. After evening church Glen and I went out for ice cream with our pastor and his wife. Yummm........I love Dairy Queen ice cream!!! Yesterday I went to a volleyball game that Karley was in. It's always a joy to watch the girls in their sports!! Today I priced garage sale stuff and then I went to a Pampered Chef party. I didn't buy much but I did get a part to fix my chopper......that I absolutely love!!
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞ You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up...... After I stop laughing!!! |
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#2609 |
Donating 4WT Yakker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Central Texas
Posts: 5,717
I feel a little better today. My day was not nearly as hectic as yesterday. I went to our University Credit Union. I have been thinking of changing from my bank to the University credit union for a long time, but just never did. So, I went today and opened a checking account for me and then a second checking account for our rental property. Someone told me I should have a separate checking account for the rental property with only deposits and withdrawls related to the rental property. It was a free account so I thought, what the heck. We have a savings account at a government employee credit union (Gary was a government employee) so I'm going to close that account and move the money to the credit union. I'm going to use my old checking account at the bank as an emergency fund account for when I need extra money for something. For some reason I just like to keep my emergency money in a separate account. That way I always know how much extra money I have. THEN, I have another account that has mom's money in it so that I can pay her bills and buy her incidentals. WHEW! and I'm the one that hates all this financial stuff!!!
I have a big project going on at work that is due Friday. So, after the credit union, I went to school and met with the staff person who is working on the project. I had some things to do for it, so I got that done and gave my work to the staff person to collate with what she is doing. I went out to lunch with a good friend whom I haven't seen since I lost Gary so that was nice. I also visited with another friend who lost her husband just a few months before I lost Gary. That was very nice to talk with someone who just recently went through the same thing as me. Tomorrow will be a pretty busy day from start to finish. ![]()
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#2610 |
Donating 4WT 13K Club Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 16,069
Gayle, you sound soooo busy!! I'm sure that it was nice to talk to someone going through the same thing that you are......the loss of your husbands. I'm sure you both had lots to talk about. I'm glad to hear that you're getting out with friends and having a good time!! You are such a special woman!!
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞ You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up...... After I stop laughing!!! |
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