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#2641 |
Donating 4WT Talker
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Janet, I'm glad you love your phone. I got Mike a new phone, but it's just a simple flip phone. He barely uses his phone to talk, so there is no way I would pay data charges for him, lol! He takes the iPad if he goes somewhere that he thinks he'll need it.
Diana, I got such a kick out of Dean's puppy! Sounds like the perfect pet ![]() Mike has been at the ranch since Thursday, and will probably come back Tuesday. He is bow hunting...some. I think he just enjoys being out in the Hill Country, it's so pretty there. I'll be glad when he get's home, it's getting too quiet around here.
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#2642 |
Donating 4WT 13K Club Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 16,069
I'm glad that you finally got your new phone, Janet. I guess the phone company is complaining about my old Razr!! They're going to be changing something and it's not going to work as well......sounds like a way to get more money to me!!
Homecoming was COLD!! We stayed for the parade and I looked around at the booths......ate, visited with some old friends, then came home!! It was just too chilly out. The grandkids were all in the parade in different places......except for Dean. It's so good to see the kids involved in different areas!! Glen left yesterday morning for his sister's house in Nebraska with his two brothers. His sister, Dana, was suppose to go to but her son fell and broke his wrist so she stayed home with him (BTW......Daya broke her wrist last week too.) They are going up to hopefully get some things decided about what needs to get done on their Mom's house.....plus Brenda has a barn that needs some work on. I'm not sure exactly what they're doing on it but they're all good at stuff like that. I think that he'll probably be home on Wednesday sometime. I don't have Dean today so I'm trying to get some much needed cleaning done. Things have really been stacking up and I'm tired of it. We have some really busy weekends coming up and I'd like to start now getting things in order and cleaned up. I also think that this week I'll get Dean's room done and start on getting things painted for Karlie's. We froze last night......got down in the upper 20's. I'm not sure what that will do to our beans. Farming is always a worry. Oh.....and we're going on the cruise!! I need to get a check in the mail. I'm excited!!! We have to get a passport too!! Glen's going to do some scuba diving so he's happy!!
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞ You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up...... After I stop laughing!!! |
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#2643 |
Donating 4WT Talker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Saskatchewan
Posts: 3,764
Diana, I would love to go on a cruise! Where will you be going?
This past weekend was Thanksgiving up here. We went to visit my mom since she was all alone (my dad was out moose hunting). It was a good visit but we really didn't do ANYTHING. It's very weird for me now because I feel like I'm always so busy! Scott and I played some pool in the basement, and we visited with a friend and her family one night. On Sunday, my dad called and said it was supposed to rain and snow for the next three days in the bush (they were about 5 hours north of home) and they already had three moose and just one tag left, so he was coming home! So that was a nice suprirse that I got to visit with him too! Last night after work I stopped at my brother's house to pick up an SD card with our wedding slideshow, and a cord for his video camera that should have the wedding speeches on it. While I was there, his two girls called me auntie for the first time. They have always just called us "Lindsey and Scott" but when Morgann told me about her day, she said "Auntie, guess what?!" and then when she showed me the craft they were working on, she called me "Auntie Lindsey" ![]() Oh, and the video camera did not have the speeches on it. In fact, you can't record at all without a card - it has no internal memory. My brother was sure that it did. I had a little cry at home, thinking they weren't actually recorded at all, and that was the one thing I really wanted. But he said he found a card at home that it might be on, so we'll get that today. Last night, we were up almost all night. Every two hours we had to get up, clean Layla's diarrhea off the floor, put her in the shower and spray off her butt, and put the towels she was laying on in the laundry. We had a pretty good system going by about 4 am. She hasn't had diarrhea in about 4 hours now, so my fingers are crossed. I am working from home today. I wonder if it might be from the vaccinations she had on Tuesday evening.
Lindsey "I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe |
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#2644 |
Donating 4WT Yakker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Central Texas
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Lindsey, I know what you mean about it feeling weird to have nothing to do, especially when you've been so busy. You need to learn to relax and enjoy those times. I always forget that Canada celebrates Thanksgiving in October instead of November like the U.S. I know your mom enjoyed seeing you and Scott and I'm glad your dad got some moose and got home in time to see you! What a treat!
I've been so busy for the past week that I've been reading the forum but not posting. We had my mom's birthday party on Saturday and it was really nice. Family started arriving on Friday and I had company until Tuesday. I was so busy, but it was all a lot of fun. Most of the family in for the party had never been to our new house so that was fun showing everyone the new digs. We had great fun. It was pretty cool outside so we were able to build a fire and the kids got to roast weenies and marshmallows. My mom was so happy to see everyone and so glad that everyone came to see her. I've been very busy at work, it just seems that we have more and more to do. I want things to slow down but they never seem to do that! I'm going to try to have a relaxing weekend! I have an exterminator coming tomorrow. I have acrobat ants in my shop. It's a metal building but it has foam insulation inside and the ants are excavating the foam to make a nest between the foam and the metal. At first I thought they were termites because I saw all these flakes everywhere on the floor. But the lady at the exterminator place asked me to describe them and she said they were acrobat ants. They have heart shaped butts! LOL! They have shorted out the light switches in the front of the shop, supposedly they are attracted to electricity. After the exterminator gets rid of them, then I have to get an electrician out to fix the light switches. I have lights in the back of the building so there's no hurry on that. Also, over the weekend someone (probably me!) left the spotlight in the backyard on and I didn't notice it till yesterday. I noticed it because I went to turn it on last night and it was already on, but there was no light ![]()
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#2645 |
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member |
No wonder no one has been here....you're all so busy. Diana I so love my iPhone. If I'd known how much I would love it I would have gotten it a long time ago and figured out a way to afford it. The carrier we went with since our old one didn't have the iPhone is Sprint. We can all talk on our phones in the house now with no problems. The old one....not good at all. Plus most everything is unlimited so we are very happy with the change.
Diana...where are you going on your cruise? How exciting! When will you get to take it? Lindsey I sure hope you can get the recordings you wanted. I know I would be so disappointed if I couldn't. I know what you mean Gayle, I've been here reading more than posting too. I posted quite a bit a while back, but then just kind of ran out of steam..lol. I'm glad your Mom and family had such a wonderful time together. I would be exhausted. I've gotten a few odds and ends done around the house. Still need to trim the shrubs if it was just a tad warmer or if the wind would quit blowing. Still have quite a bit outside to do before winter gets here, like put lawn items away in the garage. I'll get it done...I hope.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1 Last edited by Janet; 10-12-2012 at 07:19 AM. |
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#2646 |
Donating 4WT Yakker
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Denver, NY
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It has been busy here too! Today is rainy and chilly...yuck! I'm taking the dogs to the vet later. Annie needs her rabies, Max has goop in his eyes, and Sophie is just coming along for the ride, although I want the vet to check her out and make sure she is okay. She is still very small, and weighs so little!
How exciting about the cruise, Diana! When is it, and where are you cruising off to? Linds, I hope you find the speeches! How sweet that you are now "Auntie!" Gayle, it is good that you found these ants before they ate all of the foam and really nested in! I wouldn't go up on that ladder either! Janet, you have become an electronics geek! I have new land line phones to set up. Wanna come over here and do it for me? i used to enjoy all this, but it's just one thing after another lately! Betsi, how are you lately? I'm going to take in the fuscias today. It's going to be 35 degrees tonight, so this is probably my last chance to get them inside. I still have miniature roses blooming! I guess that will stop soon enough.
Judy ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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#2647 |
Donating 4WT 13K Club Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 16,069
Sorry I've been MIA. Dean's been sick with a cold and I haven't gotten hardly anything done this week. Today he was finally better. It was so good to see him playing and being his old self again!!
I got the deposit sent for the cruise so we're for sure going!! It's from April 14th to the 20th.....right when Glen's busy planting but he said that he's alright with going. We'll spend a couple of days at sea......then Montego Bay, Jamaica.......Grand Cayman.......Cozumel.......then another day at sea. We leave and return to New Orleans. Glen's inviting his dive buddy and his wife to go with us since it's where they've been wanting to scuba dive at. We'll see if they go or not. They have two daughters getting married in the next few months!! Marva says that they still have a few more spots open for others to go. I'm trying to talk Jaci and Nate into going too!! Glen was suppose to have a men's campout tonight but it's rainy so it's been canceled and they're just having a picnic. Glen had invited some boys to go with him so he's going to just take them camping. They'll just be in the back yard.....in case it rains. Lindsey, I hope you find all of your wedding stuff. Also, how sweet that your nieces have called you "Auntie"!! I hope that Layla's better soon too!! Poor girl!! Judy, I hope the dogs are all alright. I really need to take Jazzi and Reuger too. You might have the vet treat Sophie for worms. Sometimes that can affect their weight. Gayle, I'm glad that you're going to relax this weekend. You deserve it. After having company and a party last weekend especially!! I know that you enjoyed it but not you need to rest up!! I've never heard of acrobat ants!! I imagined them turning somersaults and back flips!!! I hope that they're easy to get rid of. Oh.....and you definitely need to ask the neighbor about changing your light bulb!! Janet, I'm sure that you're busy playing with your new phone!! I know that Jaci's does so much!! I would love to have one.......just don't want to pay for it!! I need to get the yard ready for winter too. It's hard to be outside because the chickens have just ruined the yard. There is absolutely NO grass now......Ok.....a little but not much!! It makes me mad everytime I look at it!! I do want to get the outside windows washed before it gets too cold.
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞ You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up...... After I stop laughing!!! |
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#2648 |
Donating 4WT Yakker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Central Texas
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Hi All! I got my acrobat ants treated but sadly now I have to trim my trees because they were also living at the base of the tree and going up the tree and down the limb that is just barely touching the roof of the shop. Oh well, I was getting ready to have all the trees trimmed anyway! Then, I'll have to get the electrician out to fix the lights. Sigh. These are the kinds of things Gary took care of - he would have done all of them himself before he got sick, and then afterwards he would have called and arranged them and been here for the workers to do the work. Now, I have to be here for everything, it is a pain sometimes!!! I haven't seen my neighbor yet, but I will sometime over the weekend, I'm sure.
I worked from home today because by the time the exterminator got finished, I didn't have time to make it to school for my conference call. So, I made arrangements for them to call me at home. I got quite a bit of work done today, surprisingly. Usually I find all sorts of things to do around the house when I'm supposed to be working, but today I really got a few things done. I am REALLY sore from my exercise class. Mondays workout was very intense and then I think I overdid it on Wednesday for weightlifting. I'm still REALLY sore today. I was supposed to go to class this morning, but couldn't go because of the exterminator coming. My workout partner was out of town too. But I don't think I would have gone anyway because I was just too sore. I'm going to do a home workout tomorrow and will probalby take it easy. I don't like feeling all sore and creaky all the time! Diana, I think you will enjoy the cruise. Gary and I have been on 3 and he went one other time with his sisters. It's fun and the food is usually GREAT! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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#2649 |
Donating 4WT 13K Club Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Kansas
Posts: 16,069
I'm sorry to hear that taking care of the ants is going to be harder than you thought. I can imagine that you're missing Gary because of all of this. Glen always takes care of that kind of stuff too. Hugs.
Sounds like you got a lot done from home. Maybe you should work from there more often.......it's probably more relaxing as well. As for the soreness.......take it easy for the weekend and enjoy just "chilling" for awhile!!! We have rain, rain, and more rain!! Glen and the boys.....5 in all......showed up this morning before the rain started. They had made pancakes and bacon over an open fire......the boys had cooked it. They did a great job!! Now they're all going to go fishing!! Glen thinks there's a pause in the rain so they're going to venture out. This afternoon we're suppose to have some more bad weather.
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞ You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up...... After I stop laughing!!! |
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#2650 |
Donating 4WT Talker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Saskatchewan
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Gayle, I'm glad you won't have ants to worry about anymore!
Diana, that cruise sounds like so much fun!!! Judy, how are Max's eyes? I just took Layla to an ophthalmologist because her eyes are gooping so badly. Turns out, everything is normal. We just have to clean her face every day because there are chunks of black dried goop in the corners and black streaks down her face. But nothing is blocked, and her tear production and quality is normal, and her eyes are not irritated. So I guess we just deal with it, like everything else lol! Speaking of Layla, she was also quite sick on Wednesday night. On Tuesday we took them all for vaccinations, and on Wednesday evening, Layla started having diarrhea. Overnight, we were up every 2 hours to shower her off and clean up trails of runny watery poop between our bedroom and the bathroom (she always seems to run there). So I started putting towels under her to sleep, and I did three loads of laundry overnight, washing those poopy towels! Anyways, in the morning I went to the office, grabbed my laptop, and worked from home. She seemed to be better after I fed her some pumpkin. Through YT I found out that she is way over-vaccinated. The only reason we were still coming to our local vet was for vaccinations - we have lost trust for everything else. Apparently the vaccinations are a money-grab too ![]() Today, I got my new passport in the mail, and the safari company sent us a couple of safari journals, with spaces for entries and color pictures and information about all the African wildlife we might see ![]() ![]()
Lindsey "I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe |
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#2651 |
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member |
Lindsey, my dogs don't go anywhere, so I haven't gotten them their shots for over a year. I think it's a waste too. If they were out running the yard or someplace other than home then I'd think about it more. We spray the area we have fenced in for them. Besides...it just costs us way too much money for all 6 dogs and the two cats. The cats are all up to date on their vaccines so I won't be taking them again for at least two years...at the earliest. My Vet keeps sending us reminder cards
It just makes me so angry that the rabie vaccine is the same for one year as it is for three. The only reason our county vaccinated every year is because its law and because of the farm animals.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1 |
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#2652 |
Donating 4WT Talker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Saskatchewan
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Janet, our dogs are getting 3-year rabies vaccinations, but yearly boosters for everything else. Apparently yearly boosters are not recommended anymore. It is still effective long after one year. A person on YT told me that the vet buys the vaccine for about 61 cents, and then way overprices to give the vaccine.
Our vet is having Layla get DHPP + CV at the same time every year. Apparently CV only affects pups under 8 weeks of age, and DHPP should not be given with any other vaccine. The other two dogs both got DHPP +CV and Rabies vaccines. It was an expensive evening, and apparently needless! My dogs are rarely outside of our house and yard. Our neighbors have no pets either, so the yard is pretty safe. Even if we do go out for walks, we rarely encounter other animals. I think they have a pretty low risk for getting anything. I guess it goes to show you just can't trust those you think you can trust! Obviously our vet has more training than we have, but I still have to find out online that she is doing things wrong.
Lindsey "I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe |
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#2653 |
Donating 4WT Yakker
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Central Texas
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My neighbor came over and changed the lightbulb on the spotlight. Of course, I had gotten the wrong bulb and had to make a flying trip to Home Depot. But he also needed to caulk a crack in the chimney, so he did that while I flew to Home Depot. I'm really glad to get all that done. He knows an electrician who is supposed to call me this week to change the light boxes the ants shorted out.
Speaking of ants, you should see all the dead ants in the shop ![]() I went to a farmers market this morning and bought a delicious carmelized red onion and blue cheese mini quiche. It was soooo good, but very rich so I only ate 1/2 of it. it was only 6 inches, but half of it was all I wanted at one meal. So I have dinner for tomorrow night too! ![]() Then I veged out, watched TV, cooked a little bit and here it is after 9:00PM. I don't know where the day went!!!
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#2654 |
Donating 4WT Yakker
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My days just seem to get busier and busier. I exercised at home this morning and tried to take it a little easier than my instructor. I felt sore and stiff, but it was much better and this evening I feel pretty good. I guess I was just overdoing it in class. I'm old and creaky! LOL!
I had a nice lunch out with good friends, and it was good to see them. Then I have faculty meetings all afternoon. Those can be exceedingly boring and these today WERE boring! My butt was tired from sitting all afternoon too. Then when I got home I had a letter from my mortgage company wanting more documentation about taking Gary off the mortgage papers. I called my attorney because I'm not sure what I'm supposed to send them, but she didn't call me back. I have a conference all day tomorrow and I know she'll call when I can't answer. I just love playing telephone tag for days!!!
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#2655 |
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Indiana
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Every one is so busy.... I am now in Janesville Wisconsin on Vacation. But my Hubby is still working but he is a Happy man considering he gets to come home to me at night now and has me to hug instead of his pillow at night. lol. I know not what you wanted to hear. Its a 5 hour drive from our house in Northeast indiana.
Long but very pretty drive. Gary took me down LakeShore drive in Chicago. It was very pretty. Lots of big waves on the lake. Got a few pics. Got here and unloaded the vehicle and then we went to the store for supplies. Today I am going shopping alone. Thats okay. I don't mind. Just to get things I need and to do some christmas shopping. Then will come back and start back up on my hats and headbands. Everyone have a great week.
The real measure of a woman's wealth is what she has invested in eternity. ![]() |
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